Life’s a struggle. Work hard. Fight to win. It isn’t easy. Making money is hard. Have you ever heard or thought any of these things? Do you believe they’re true? Where and when did you buy into this? You may have learned in early...
Because you matter
Life’s a struggle. Work hard. Fight to win. It isn’t easy. Making money is hard. Have you ever heard or thought any of these things? Do you believe they’re true? Where and when did you buy into this? You may have learned in early...
Come out of the suitcase and really live! You hold on to so much past data from your life’s experiences,...
A (fairly) recent experience has made me look at love a little differently. I love love. Always have. But luckily I'm...
Have you ever done something and thought "Oh Crap that was not my brightest move"? Just recently I was at...
There are many miracle moments in our life where we may experience a big breakthrough. These may be labeled in...
When will you consciously put yourself first?? Love! We are taught as children by action or by word that we...
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