What the Keto Diet Has Done for Me

What the Keto Diet Has Done for Me

In the ever evolving fitness world, it’s hard to constantly keep up with all the fads.  The newest craze is the "Keto Diet" with its talk of ketones and ketosis.  I personally have been following a keto diet and have dropped 15 pounds in a month which was...

Fine Tune Your Fitness

Fine Tune Your Fitness

The Mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it. As long as you really believe 100% - Arnold Schwarzenegger We can walk for longer, run faster and get healthier quicker and achieve amazing results, if we start...

Fit For Travel

Fit For Travel

Many women wish they could maintain their regular fitness routine when traveling for work or pleasure, but most find it difficult or nigh impossible to do so. Most people gain on average about 2-5 kilos of weight when traveling. If you too experience this, then don't...

3 Secrets to Running Well

3 Secrets to Running Well

So you hate running? Can't stand to cycle? That's cool. Fitness isn't one-size-fits-all, so don't feel like you have to subscribe to a certain workout just because other people like to do it. After all, the whole point of exercise is to feel healthy and happy. So...

Are You Making These Common Treadmill Mistakes?

Are You Making These Common Treadmill Mistakes?

The 1 Way You Are Not Using The Treadmill To Maximize Your Results There is no doubt that the most used piece of equipment in gyms across the globe is the treadmill. In nearly all gyms, they take up the majority of space and every hotel gym has at least 1 or 2 inside....



With longer work days than ever, stuck in an office chair for several hours at a time and staring into a computer screen all day, more and more people are looking to fitness activities when planning their holidays. As a result, the demand for active escapes has...

Emotional Fitness

Emotional Fitness

Thoughts and emotions are interconnected in a perpetual circuitous dynamic. Our emotions contribute to our thoughts which, in turn, perpetuate the state of our emotions. Our thoughts are more cluttered than ever before in this age of information overload. With the...

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Join me as I share great strategies, stories, trends and awesome tips from experts all over the globe, for women who love to live life to the full!

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