Meditate On Your Pain
Chronic pain has many faces, ranging from migraines, injury and arthritis to fibromyalgia, lupus and even cancer. Many pain sufferers...
Because you matter
Chronic pain has many faces, ranging from migraines, injury and arthritis to fibromyalgia, lupus and even cancer. Many pain sufferers...
Our mindset influences everything we do. It governs the way we think about ourselves, the way we view the world,...
Did you know that the difference between the person who succeeds and the person who fails is that the one...
Albert Einstein said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,...
7 foods for beautiful eyes and 20-20 vision As a senior optometrist, patients regularly ask me what they can do...
I can state without any doubt, it is the strength of your self-image that makes all the difference in your...
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