How to Motivate Your Teen to Finish High School

Parents play a big role in getting their teenagers ready for the end of high school, so they need to know the key steps to getting them motivated.
Australian Teenage Expo co-founder and youth expert Sacha Kaluri said we as parents need to be aware that teens can lose motivation in the middle of their last year of school over the school holidays.
“Just think about adults, no matter how much we love our jobs, when we go on holidays its always hard to get back into the swing of things at work when we come back.” said Mrs Kaluri
“It’s extremely common for young people to start back in their final term with a ‘can't be bothered' attitude.” she said.
“Parents need to make sure they have regular conversations about how exciting the end of school can be, it’s so more than just education.”
Sonya Karras, also co-founder of the Australian Teenage Expo, said young people have often spent the last two weeks sleeping in, partying and hanging out with friends.
“School does not sound like a fun place to be, but really its the central hub of socialisation.” said Mrs Karras.
“You can have some of the best days of your life finishing high school.”
Mrs Kaluri’s top 5 tips on how get senior school students feeling positive and excited about the last part of high school:
- Have positive conversations at home with family and friends about all the other good things about school other than education.
- Listen when they speak. When young people talk to their parents about subject selection – get involved and be positive.
- Remind them of the fun they will have. There is more to school than education.
- Relationships with teachers will change. Teachers are different to senior students at the end of the year; they treat them more like adults.
- Make sure they are doing subjects they will enjoy. It’s not only about your future, careers and the final score. The more you enjoy school the better you will do.
Mrs Kaluri said one of the worst things that can happen is to start the last term of high school under pressure. Know it’s important, but you need to make sure you don’t start stressed out.
“I remember working with a student that was under so much pressure to have a perfect score for the last term of high school that they were almost having severe anxiety of just starting back at school,” she said.
“Going into the final term of high school with a positive vibe is just a matter of mind set.”
About the author
Sacha Kaluri started a successful business at the age of 18 and now travels
around Australia speaking to young people in senior schools on the topics of how to have the career of your dreams, bullying and online bullying, s tress management and body image.
In 2011 Sacha Kaluri became the co founded and the co-director of the Australian Teenage Expo, a large-scale youth event which this year attracted almost 8000 Victorians at the Melbourne Showgrounds.
Australian Teenage Expo aims to provide everything a teen, parent or educator needs to know about in three key areas – Education, Services and Products, with as much fun and interaction as possible.
For more information about the Australian Teenage Expo or book a keynote presentation by Sacha Kaluri visit or