The Emperor’s New Clothes
There is a well-known tale about a vain Emperor who cares for nothing but his appearance and attire, who hires...
Because you matter
There is a well-known tale about a vain Emperor who cares for nothing but his appearance and attire, who hires...
What? Be Happy or Right? I can’t have both you might ask. Well, it depends. You can be right without...
“[You are] a spiritual being having a human experience”. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The truth will always set you...
If you dream about a different career, but have not acted on this dream it may be because you have...
Your subconscious criteria in choosing a potential partner. Why do we choose? It is in our human nature to fall...
How do you feel about change? Do you resist it or open your arms wide to embrace it? Perhaps you...
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