As a sex educator and therapist, it’s often surprising to people that I was once deathly afraid of someone seeing me naked. But it’s true. I spent decades of my life feeling like there was something wrong with my body. I actively detested it,...
Because you matter
As a sex educator and therapist, it’s often surprising to people that I was once deathly afraid of someone seeing me naked. But it’s true. I spent decades of my life feeling like there was something wrong with my body. I actively detested it,...
There was a trend in the last decade for women to paradoxically emphasise their feminine traits (lips, figure, hair) and...
SEX! There I have your attention now don't I? As a business woman I have started to feel somewhat sad...
As we all know if you eat too much food and do not exercise enough you will gain weight. Gaining...
Say yes (yes, yes, YES!) to good sex. So, what does good sex look like? After a few conversations with...
WOW. Your body is amazing! Here’s why. Look at you. You’re incredible. Seriously! I know you’re reading this right now...
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