Say Yes!
Say yes (yes, yes, YES!) to good sex. So, what does good sex look like? After a few conversations with...
Because you matter
Say yes (yes, yes, YES!) to good sex. So, what does good sex look like? After a few conversations with...
The power of online groups We often read about the negative sides of the internet, chat groups, social media and...
There is a great divorce story movie that I love called “War of the Roses”. It’s about a couple who...
It’s a funny thing about comfort zones. First when you think comfort, you think “good” as in a cozy place...
Ego is nasty, manipulative and unpleasant. Ego wants celebrity status where flow IS true obtainable sustainable happiness. When someone you...
Relationships aren’t just a two way street, sometimes they can look more like one of those knotty highway interchanges in...
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