We Are Energy

Every cell in our body vibrates with particles of energy that have existed from antiquity to the present and this cellular energy is influenced by the world around us.
I have said many times, “Guard your energy”. Take care of it, feed it and nurture it. Connect to nature and let your cells breathe in positive energy while limiting the amount of negative energy to which you are exposed on a daily basis. For those of us with a higher anxiety set point, it is especially important to do the work needed each day to care for our energy. There are several ways we can manage our energy, even minute to minute, as exposure to both positive and negative energy is a continuous flow but may be out of balance in a negative direction at any moment.
Here are some of the things I have found to be particularly effective in maintaining positive energy or to make very quick shifts in energy when needed:
1. Have a mantra that represents the energy you wish to maintain. My energy mantra is “All is well, all will be well”. The mantra is a simple statement that articulates my intention for me and my energy vibration. Your mantra states the standard you have for yourself and anything below that standard requires a shift.
2. Flip your sign. Recently, as I took my energy pulse upon waking, I realized I was completely riddled with stress and negative energy. I made four index cards, each bearing a word that described how I was feeling: stressed, tired, perplexed and worried. On the other side of each card, I wrote what I chose to replace those feelings with: happy, energetic, certain, and calm. I acknowledged the energy I was feeling and then, literally and symbolically, flipped the sign to the words representing the energy I was willing to hold. I placed the cards near me as a reminder and enjoyed the almost immediate change in emotional and vibrational energy.
3. Play the “find the gift” game. In all things, even the seemingly negative ones, there is a gift of something good. In order to maintain a positive vibration, I find the good in the situation and help others to do so too. Finding something positive in each negative situation prevents us from lingering on the negative, which can cause the negative event to grow bigger into a negative mental state, where we are overwhelmed or become convinced the issue is bigger than it really is or that you allow yourself to become part of the problem.
4. Know who your like-minded team is and use them when you need to. This could be talking to a friend who may be able to help you find the gift or remind you of who you really are. It may be tapping into a network of similar souls who regularly post inspirational messages on social media which you can access on a daily basis or as needed. Have multiple sources to lift you back into the positive when you need help as you do for others when they need it.
5. Be the energy leader. Those of us that generally radiate positive energy must share it. Energy sharing happens naturally, with negative and positive energy, and is sometimes referred to by social psychologists as emotion contagion, but what that is at the heart of it is energy sharing. If I am in a negative mood state, those around me who are more susceptible to this energy either because they are very compassionate or because they are more likely to absorb energy than repel it, respond quickly with negative mood states even if they were happy before I showed up. In the same energy sharing it is also possible to brighten someone’s energy with your positive self.
We do not have to remain in the state we wake up in or find ourselves in after some trigger. Each of us has the power to change our energy in a few seconds. I do not have to ruminate. And I do not have to wonder about the trigger, whether it was something someone else said or did or something that happened. I don’t have to spend time trying to figure out the meaning. I can clarify the meaning or I can move on. In some situations it is impossible to clarify the meaning. That doesn’t mean spend a lot of time in your head as your brain spins its wheels coming up with EVERY possible meaning. Let it go.
Words are the window to your soul”– Masaru Emoto
Your mantra, your network of positive people and resources, and your words that describe how you are and how you choose to be carry more power to shape your energy vibration than any outside influences will ever have. These tools create a protective shield to maintain healthy energy at the cellular level and to assist you in making repairs when necessary, as none of us are infallible energy super heroes. When your vibration goes awry, honor your cells, choose your words carefully and literally, flip your sign.
About the author
Lisa is a writer, blogger, life coach, entrepreneur, owner of Small Steps 2 Big Change (www.smallsteps2bigchange.com), author of "Midlife Uncrisis-How to Turn Crisis into Positive Change" and a certified Strategic Intervention coach.
You can find Lisa's work on Huffington Post in addition to writing regularly for Smart Healthy Women magazine.
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