Ego Vs. Flow
Ego is nasty, manipulative and unpleasant. Ego wants celebrity status where flow IS true obtainable sustainable happiness. When someone you...
Because you matter
Ego is nasty, manipulative and unpleasant. Ego wants celebrity status where flow IS true obtainable sustainable happiness. When someone you...
Chronic pain has many faces, ranging from migraines, injury and arthritis to fibromyalgia, lupus and even cancer. Many pain sufferers...
A few days back I was talking to a corporate client of mine about what she struggles with most when...
Albert Einstein said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,...
Every cell in our body vibrates with particles of energy that have existed from antiquity to the present and this...
Often I am told by people when they come to me with an issue that: “I’m not the problem. My problem...
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