You Are A Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience
“[You are] a spiritual being having a human experience”. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The truth will always set you...
Because you matter
“[You are] a spiritual being having a human experience”. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The truth will always set you...
How do you feel about change? Do you resist it or open your arms wide to embrace it? Perhaps you...
“If any of my kids got bullied in school I'd go straight to the bully's house and bully their mom and dad...
When I review a LinkedIn profile, we spend an hour on the phone and I guarantee to tell you three...
Relationships are complicated. You think you are always right, you don't want to listen to your partner, you have to...
Women aren’t the only ones with trust issues and men aren’t the only ones who cheat on their partners. Regardless...
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