What It Takes To Be A Healthy Weight
7 Massive Misconceptions For as long as we can remember we have had the metaphorical carrot of “lose weight and...
Because you matter
7 Massive Misconceptions For as long as we can remember we have had the metaphorical carrot of “lose weight and...
There is a well-known tale about a vain Emperor who cares for nothing but his appearance and attire, who hires...
Want to know a secret passion I have recently discovered? I can tell you it's been a real surprise to...
I wonder if emotional eating is an issue for you? I know it is for many of the women I...
I am on a mission; a mission to help women love and appreciate their beautiful and miraculous bodies! Often as...
The Pilates Principles: They maketh the method. The six original principles of the Pilates Method are: BREATHING ? CENTREING ?...
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