Ego Vs. Flow

Ego is nasty, manipulative and unpleasant. Ego wants celebrity status where flow IS true obtainable sustainable happiness.
When someone you love chooses ego, it is a unique type of heartache. You need to walk away and cut ties with that person.
You can still love them but happiness can't be found in their energy.
They always need the bigger car, the most likes on social media, the outside approval. They are destination driven, the next event, the next holiday…. Then misery and competitiveness in between.
Because the energy of an ego driven person is so negative, it can really effect your energy, even if you're in full flow with yourself.
You always need to love yourself the most.
We don't need love,
we ARE love.
We don't seek happiness,
We ARE happiness.
You are everything you will ever need.
Let go of the negative and allow your true self to shine through without the weight of an ego driven person corroding your beautiful authentic self.
About the author
Crazy-in-love Mum, Mental health advocate, cat enthusiast.