Sex with Heart

Sex with Heart

The Art of Tantra Yoga explained. I first began practicing Tantra Yoga almost 10 years ago. Discovering Tantra was like coming home to my heart. It changed my life. I find so often when I’m talking to people about Tantra, there is confusion about what exactly it...

Live Your Fantasies

Live Your Fantasies

SEX! There I have your attention now don't I? As a business woman I have started to feel somewhat sad about people's unwillingness to go get what they want- whether that is business OR pleasure. For business success, it's simple- you get s**t done. Do it relentlessly....

Say Yes!

Say Yes!

Say yes (yes, yes, YES!) to good sex. So, what does good sex look like? After a few conversations with both my lady and gentleman friends I've gathered a bit of information that I'm eager to share with my smart healthy ladies.... The reoccurring conclusion to the...

Essential Romance

Essential Romance

One of the quickest ways to set a romantic mood is with the use of aromatherapy essential oils. There is nothing as effective as the scent of rose and bergamot to evoke a sensual and erotic atmosphere with your lover, or the ability of a well-placed candle wafting the...

How I Lost My Wife

How I Lost My Wife

I was deeply in love with my wife. Sixteen years into our marriage, Molly confessed to me that she had once been with a woman during a threesome. My eyes bugged out of my head like in an old cartoon. Molly thought she was bisexual and wanted my permission to try...

Are Men Becoming Too Wimpy?

Are Men Becoming Too Wimpy?

“Wendy is 39, married with three children under 12. She is a GP at a medical practice near her home. She would like to work three days a week but her husband – also a medico – appreciates her talents and the extra income she can bring in. Wendy is torn between wanting...

Picky Brain

Picky Brain

Your subconscious criteria in choosing a potential partner. Why do we choose? It is in our human nature to fall in love— that much we can’t deny. Everyone is in the prowl to find the potential mate because our DNA aims for survival and replication. If that were truly...

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Join me as I share great strategies, stories, trends and awesome tips from experts all over the globe, for women who love to live life to the full!

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