Who is in charge? You or Life?

by Kristin Smith | Jul 31, 2020 | Inspiration

Life has its own itinerary and whether you elect to become a casualty to it or a frontrunner to your own rule book is entirely your decision to own.

I sadly discovered I was holding myself accountable to life’s agenda rather than using life as a catalyst to my own mission, which was to simply leave lasting impressions on the hearts of many, or just on the heart of one.

So many people are wedged between the desire to tackle what life has to offer, and stuck in the bondage of life’s unintentional longing to keep them from actively making power moves to conquer, achieve, and to propel forward.

Although this is often felt and realized, so many people have no idea how to break free from the entrapment. I was there. I still find myself stuck there at times, but I am now rebellious enough to take a stand against life when its movements try to shrink my potential, thinking, or forward movements.

Let’s never forget we are human and we do not hold all of the secrets nor do we know how to always break free from times of inaction, but we are intelligent, victorious, strong, brave, and more powerful than we sometimes give ourselves credit for, so let’s talk about how to break free from life’s unintentional endeavor to keep us playing small.

So how does one break this trap?

  • Decide to bust out of the incarceration of small thinking.
  • Realize continuous repetitive daily moves will only keep you launching the same “less than satisfactory result.”
  • Choose to believe in unseen capabilities you were born with and trust that with your permission, you can unleash them.


Don’t just read this article and feel temporary motivation. Read this article and put the concept into action. The time it took you to read this will be lost unless you use the words to rewrite your rules.

Read that again.

Yes, you are capable of rewriting the rules. It does not matter how far away you are from your dreams, you are more than qualified to rewrite and launch again.

Life is your friend and it is beautiful, but you need to take a leading role with it. The only positional authority life has over you is that of which is dictated beyond our human ability and that is perfectly OK.

A long time ago, I learned to understand the things that are outside of my control are outside of my control for reasons I could only grow later in life to understand. In fact, they became more “thank you” moments because often the things orchestrated outside of my control or wants were necessary to propel me closer to where I needed to be. You know, that location where we become closer to a better more powerful version of ourselves.

Now, I will ask you again. Who is in charge? You or Life?

Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash

By Kristin Smith

By Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith is a trained coach who seeks to empower women to step into their best life now. No excuses! She left her corporate life to explore the world of business and life coaching. Kristin received her Master's degree from the University of Northern Colorado and graduated from Coach Training Alliance and now powerfully coaches women in business and in life. Kristin is a mover and a shaker. She spent many years plagued by the disease to please and was ready to get clear on her life and what she was divinely designed to do, which was to live on purpose. If you are looking to go from inaction to action in your life, career, business or as a stepmom seeking to be powerfully amazing, contact her today!


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