As a sex educator and therapist, it’s often surprising to people that I was once deathly afraid of someone seeing me naked. But it’s true. I spent decades of my life feeling like there was something wrong with my body. I actively detested it,...
Because you matter
As a sex educator and therapist, it’s often surprising to people that I was once deathly afraid of someone seeing me naked. But it’s true. I spent decades of my life feeling like there was something wrong with my body. I actively detested it,...
“The most important thing we can accomplish in this lifetime is true self-appreciation and self-acceptance whether or not we see...
There is no place on earth where you can escape from the reaches of the media and advertising, and the...
So what is the perfect body shape? The perfect body size? What is the ideal weight for my height? These...
Without going too far into detail about my past, I can say that without a doubt it has been hard....
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