Stop Well-doing and Start Well-Being

When I think of well-being, I think of those times when I have been in a state of bliss, non-attachment and high vibration. It is my natural state, when I am unaffected by my environment.
Well-being is an interesting word don't you think?
If you look at any article or advice on how to achieve true well-being, you are most likely advised to take this action step or that action step – it's all about what your willpower leads to. And if your willpower lets you down, you are on a spiral of stress, ill health and bad consequences – not to mention guilt and blame.
It is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself and make your happiness a priority. It's necessary. – Mandy Hale
Rather than having to take a list of prescribed action steps however, I think that we've missed the mark. That is a prescription for welldoing rather than wellbeing.
When we truly come from a state of well-being, we already know that being well is our natural state. We don't need to take actions that may feel forced and even though they may be “good for us” still on an unconscious level we are fighting those actions tooth and nail.
Granted, when you start from a position of non-wellness and make the important decision that your well-being is of the utmost importance to you and your ability to savour life, then it is often through the process of making conscious choices involving action that you will reach your ideal state of well-being.
Why am I nitpicking you ask?
One of the most important concepts we should be aware of when becoming more conscious, heart centred individuals is the strength and power in our words.
Even the most innocuous words will trip us up if we are not careful.
Observe the habitual ways you use your language to describe your world – those words are potent prophecies for what you will experience in your life.
We often diminish ourselves with our words in an effort not to offend others nor to be seen as trying to elevate ourselves above them – it's the tall poppy syndrome. That idea that by being happy, joyful, successful and free from stress that we think we're better than our peers.
One word of advice – it this is your experience, it's time to change the people you hang out with. Success breeds success, happiness breed happiness, well-being breeds well-being.
[Tweet “The operative word that applies to well-being is the ‘being'.”]
BE the kind of person that naturally takes the actions that will bring your mind, body, emotions and spirit to an optimal state of bliss. If you change your focus from having to effort a change and taking actions that don't feel joyful to you, the chances of sustaining the results is poor.
Rather, focus on being in wellness and your words, actions and feelings will naturally support your well-being – it is the more sustainable path to a happy existence.
About the author
Estelle is the Editor & Founder of Smart Healthy Women Mag. She is an expert Coach, Author and Speaker. She is passionate about providing her readers with successful strategies for realising a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment using the best in change tools and believes that by reaching their potential, everyone can make the world a better place.