Shine On!

by Leonie Percy | Nov 24, 2014 | Inspiration, Lifestyle

I often ponder on the power of inspiration. It isn’t something tangible, it's an overwhelming emotion that comes from deep within your soul that makes you want to change, to do good, to grow, to explore, to create and to love.

I believe our inspiration guides us, like our spirit. Without it we would find life meaningless. I am inspired by many different aspects of life and it changes along with my journey. When I wrote my book “Mother Om” my inspiration was my son, my greatest teacher. I aspire to be a connected content and calm mother and his presence guided me to write research and create an award winning book that now inspires other mothers and families to find connection.

My little guru who is only 5 years old is still a constant source of inspiration because he makes me want to step up and shine a light for others, to be a thought leader and consciously make a difference in our world, and give back to others that are less fortunate. We struggle with our first world problems and are trapped in the prison of our own mind but we are truly blessed, we just cannot see it though the clouds of ignorance and fear.

[Tweet “be the change you want to see in the world”]

I just spent the weekend with 300 conscious change makers at an event hosted by the Shine Community. These incredible entrepreneurs are creating and inspiring others to collaborate and create conscious change to “be the change you want to see in the world”  I witnessed hearts connecting and opening like lotus flowers with the realisation that together magic can happen and in a world full of pain and suffering there is still so much hope and love.

Amongst these change makers was a group of women entrepreneurs. When they shared their wisdom the whole room softened and melted into their compassionate nature. It was a mindful moment as they reminded us of the Dali Lama recently saying “The world will be saved by the western woman”.

I have always believed that women, especially mothers are a lighthouse. They have the ability to shine a light for themselves and others and uplift those around them. According to Kundalini yoga women are 16 times stronger than man, emotionally and spiritually. We run businesses, raise kids, and are supportive wives and partners. We are relational creatures with empathy and compassion and we support and nurture each other like we would our own sister.

I work with mothers and families teaching yoga and mindfulness providing them with the tools to be change makers in their own home. A mothers love is the heart of the family. I believe you should be “the change you want to see in your child”. My mission is to strengthen family connection and that when we start making change locally the impact will flow out to communities and that will make a change globally.

This inspires me.

You inspire me.

By Leonie Percy

By Leonie Percy

Leonie is a loving mother, author and founder of Yoga Mamata. After her marriage suddenly ended, leaving her a single mother, she turned to her yoga practice for guidance. For over 15 years, Leonie has been practising Hatha yoga. She bought her first business YogaBugs in 2010 in Sydney’s east and became a qualified yoga teacher in 2011. Leonie wrote Mother Om – Connect with yourself and your child in one mindful moment a day hoping to motivate, inspire and empower other mothers who find motherhood stressful. “Mother Om” is available to purchase for $24.95 at


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