Leonie is a loving mother, author and founder of Yoga Mamata. After her marriage suddenly ended, leaving her a single mother, she turned to her yoga practice for guidance. For over 15 years, Leonie has been practising Hatha yoga. She bought her first business YogaBugs in 2010 in Sydney’s east and became a qualified yoga teacher in 2011.
Leonie wrote Mother Om – Connect with yourself and your child in one mindful moment a day hoping to motivate, inspire and empower other mothers who find motherhood stressful. “Mother Om” is available to purchase for $24.95 at www.yogamamata.com
I gave birth 8?weeks ago to a beautiful baby girl. I must confess I am loving every moment with her. Maybe i the fact that I am flooded with oxytocin and the fact that I had a VBAC natural birth. I was due on...