How to Reset Your Life

Have you ever had those moments when you realize just how good life is and then suddenly it gets better? ?Actually it's not all that sudden but it seems that way in the moment. ?Life does not come without the trials that set us back on occasion. However, the good news about life's setbacks is that at any given time, you can?hit the reset button on your life and get back on track.
I call it Renew Refresh Reset Your Life and I live by the principle that every day presents another opportunity to hit the reset button on your life.??While you may not have framed it as hitting the reset button on your life, I can say with absolute certainty that you've done it hundreds of times before without giving it a second thought.
By capturing the very essence of these?powerful statements (Reset your life and every day presents another opportunity………) you put yourself in control of your life. ?If you just repeat that a few times in your head and out loud, you'll soon feel the absolute power you have to effect change in your life when needed. ?It gives you the ability to look at each and every obstacle, not as a barrier, but as a roadblock that causes you?to take an alternate route in order to reach the end of your journey.
You may flinch for a moment, as we sometimes do, but ultimately we become more determined than ever not to be deterred by such obstacles. ?It is bad enough that we've been distracted; we needn't delay our journey further by giving in to the grip of defeat. ?Baseless doubt often tries to make its way into our brain space when we've hit a bump in the road, buy you can stop it in its tracks.
People often say that obstacles are opportunities in disguise. ?So if you give in to and look upon obstacles as?barriers rather than opportunities, you stand to miss the lesson entirely. ?You see, on the other side of the obstacle is the lesson that makes you stronger, braver and determined. More importantly, if you miss the lesson, then you also miss the opportunity to teach a lesson.
Remember that Maya Angelou says “when you learn, teach…..” That is what phenomenal women do.
Women seem to be born with the resiliency of a rubber band. ?Even when stretched to our limit, we are hard to break. ?Even if broken, we manage to hit the reset button on our lives, pick up the pieces and carry on. ?It is what we do…..Naturally.
On a final note, whatever it is that you do not like about your life, you have the power to hit the reset button on your life and change the direction in which you are going. ?You may not receive instant gratification, but surely you can decide where it is you want to be, devise a plan and a plan of action that blazes a trail to your new destination.
Even if your life is as good as you thought it gets, there's always that chance that it can get better.
About the author
Charita Cadenhead, Exit Strategist, Founder of Renew Refresh Reset Your Life, Author and Speaker. As an Exit Strategist and Speaker, Charita helps people EXIT out of their comfort zones and fears so that they can ENTER into their purpose, passions, desires and goals. Renew Refresh Reset is all about hitting that reset button in your life and letting go of what's holding you back so that you can move forward without the weight of the past.
Renew Refresh Reset Your Life is designed to you people back on their life's track and keep you steadily on your track in pursuit of your passion, purpose, desires and goals.
Charita coaches individuals and groups and speaks to a wide array of audiences in the workplace, seminars and workshops.
Charita is also a licensed Realtor® in the State of Alabama serving Bham, AL, Co-author of two books, “I Am Woman ” (Release date February 2016) and "Sell Your House Fast for the Right Price”, Member of I Am Woman Network Visionary 40 and Member of Toastmasters.