Podcast Episode 3: Head Talk with Bree Stedman

Today on the podcast I'm interviewing one the authors in our latest issue, Bree Stedman. Bree is a Head Talk Expert (and I'll ask her to explain to us what that involves exactly!) and the author of Own Your BS: The No Nonsense Guide to Addressing Your Female Head Talk.
Bree is passionate about helping mums in business & ambitious women turn negative, sabotaging & destructive self-talk into emotional control, confidence & clarity. But what she really loves is providing women with the skills to empower themselves to create a ripple effect of positive impact.
For more than 14 years, Bree has worked with women in a leadership, mentoring, transformation & educating role, most recently with a focus on mindset specifically related to gender difference. Her Own Your BS brand is a no-nonsense approach to inspire, educate & empower. You can learn more about Bree, her products & services at breestedman.com.
About the author
Estelle is the Editor & Founder of Smart Healthy Women Mag. She is an expert Coach, Author and Speaker. She is passionate about providing her readers with successful strategies for realising a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment using the best in change tools and believes that by reaching their potential, everyone can make the world a better place.