A Mother’s Greatest Wish for Mother’s Day

It’s that time again. That wonderful time of the year, when all the school lunches, hours of laundry washing, cooking, cleaning, tutoring, and taxi driving to sports and friends is paid back with a day of indulgence for Mom.
We sit back and enjoy the homemade cards, the flowers, the kisses, the hugs, and the nice words of appreciation. And we deserve it!!
And yet there is something that no one but moms can truly understand about this day.
There is no card, flower, or present that could ever overshadow the joy of seeing our children happy.
It’s what we live for. Making sure they are healthy and happy.
When someone in our family is in need of positive reinforcement, a hug, a laugh, or even a loving push, we are there to provide it. Night and day! It’s a beautiful thing!
What’s not so beautiful, is a burned-out mom who is drained completely from giving, giving, giving. Because when Mom breaks down, everyone in the family is suffering. So, dear Mom, please understand that in order to serve everyone, you have to take care of yourself first.
We like to simplify things, so try to think of yourself as a “gas” station. Instead of gasoline you deliver support, advice, love, and attention. You are open 24/7, and when your children are small they will stay close to you, because they need you to refuel their small vehicles often.
The older they get, the bigger cars they drive, and the farther away they will drive before returning to you for more fuel. Eventually their big cars will take them so far away that they will stay gone for days. All you can do is to make sure that your big bright neon sign is on, and trust that it will show your children home no matter how dark it might be where they are.
However, no gas station can stay in service without being filled up frequently. Neither can you.
In our line of work as bully experts, we support the gas stations (MOMs) with emotional support and with inspiration and tools they need to fuel up and repair their children’s vehicles whenever they run low on gas or get a fender bender (or a complete breakdown.)
But often we are not called to the gas station until the last drop of fuel has been used up and Mom is completely drained. It’s because moms will sacrifice practically anything for their children.
While searching for a solution to her child’s daily struggle with bullying, she will toss and turn at night, worrying, speculating about what to do. (Oh yes, tossing and turning is Mom’s specialty.)
Sleep-deprived or not, MOM will put on the daily morning show as the one-woman cheerleader team and motivate, inspire, and convince her frightened and sad child that today is a new day, and everything will be better because the bullying will stop. (Crossing her fingers and hoping for a miracle.)
Mom is left exhausted and often survives on a combination of coffee and sugar until her child is back home and now blaming her for lying because the bullying didn’t stop!
If that is you, then we have good news for you. You can help your child, and we are here to show you how. Because no child deserves to be bullied and no Mom deserves to deal with it alone!
To celebrate mothers around the world we are giving away one of our Gold packages offering 4 private coaching sessions (Skype or phone) with your child and our 4-week online program for you as the parent (Value of $ 1,995,-). So if you are a mother with a child between 6 and 19, suffering because of bullying, then we are here to give you the ultimate gift of making your child happy again.
To participate in the drawing of the great prize, click here.
About the author
Mia and Stine are published authors, speakers and strategic interventionist coaches, specializing in bullying and the challenges children and young people are facing on their way. Together they have created a platform to serve parents and children worldwide, offering online programs, talks, books and coaching. You can learn more about Mia and Stine and connect with them here: https://www.mindblowingtransformation.com/