How to Get Your Sparkle Back – Part Two

Last week I wrote about what to do when it feels like your sparkle, your mojo, your inner twinkle has got up and walked out the door. Writing the article was like giving a pep talk to myself.
From the feedback I received, it appears that we all have times when we're not feeling our best. So, I'm pleased to be here with part two. Here are three more tips to get you (and me) back on the road to sparkle city!
1) Go out to play
When was the last time you did something fun? When did you last collapse in a fit of uncontrollable giggles? When did you last do something new?
The things that come naturally when you are a child seem to happen less and less as you get older. As you acquire more responsibilities, your time can to be taken up with stuff you ‘have to' or ‘should' be doing. I wonder how much of your daily life is full of obligations rather than doing what you desire?
Also, at times when you are not feeling great about yourself, you are less likely to do something new or take the time to have fun. When your confidence is low, it feels easier to keep plodding away with everyday, more mundane activities.
Well it's time to break out of that cycle my lovely! It's time to reconnect with the playful child that's inside you. It's time to have some fun.
One of quickest ways to get your sparkle on is to smile and the shortest route to smile-town is to play.
Grab a friend or two and take yourselves on a play-date. Maybe you can choose to go bowling, take a dance class or have an afternoon in the park playing rounders?
The key is do something different and to have fun. Notice how you feel during and after your play-date. I guarantee you will feel more alive and sparkly to boot!
2) Take the lead
If you are anything like me, when someone asks you a question like, ‘Where do you want to go for dinner this evening?', your default answer will be, ‘I don't mind. Where do you want to go?'
It feels easier to pass the decision back to whoever is asking. Maybe you don't even give yourself the chance to think about what you would really like to do?
You may ask, what has this got to do with sparkle and confidence? Well, when you allow another person to take the lead and make a choice on your behalf, you are sending a powerful message to yourself (and that other person) that your needs come second. You are basically saying, ‘I'm not important, so you decide.'
Ouch! Can you see how this starts to chip away at your sense of worth?
This is a pattern I have noticed in myself in the past. I would always allow my husband or a friend to choose where we went for a drink or for dinner. I didn't take a minute to think, ‘Actually, what do I want?' I totally discounted my needs.
How can you be sparkly if you don't value yourself? It's time to step up and take the lead sister!
The next time someone asks you what you want to do, don't pass the decision back to them. Give yourself some time to think about what you would like to do and then say it.
Notice how powerful it feels to be aware of your needs and to allow them to be met. I can almost feel the sparkle returning!
3) Throw yourself a pamper party
There are two options when you want to feel good about yourself. You can wait for someone else to compliment you (but if you have lost your sparkle, you will probably deflect any positive feedback you receive). The alternative option is to show yourself some love.
If you are feeling down, self-care has probably gone out of the window. You are probably doing the bare minimum to get yourself up and out of the house looking vaguely presentable. This can lead to a downward spiral, as your confidence starts to drop.
How do you get on the upwards track again? Give yourself a huge helping of self-love my friend!
Set some time aside to throw yourself a pamper party. You can do this either with friends or on your own, whatever works best for you.
Grab yourself a whole host of feel-good treats and go to town. You can create your own home-spa experience, complete with candles, music and yummy products. Do what it takes to make yourself feel fabulous. Treat yourself like the queen you are.
This is a sure way to get your sparkle back and ready for action!
Take action now: Let me know which one of these three tips resonates with you most. Comment below and let me know which tip you will be implementing and when.
Commit to letting your sparkle back in!
If you want the complete scoop on how to feel super-confident and fabulous, click here to download a free copy of my Love Your Body ebook.
About the author
Nicola is a hypnotherapist specialising in weight loss and well-being. She has worked with many women over the years to help them lose the weight they want to, feel wonderful AND maintain that weight loss. She calls this creating a 'Forever' Weight Loss mindset.
Nicola offers a range of both online programs and one-to-one hypnotherapy sessions. Take a look at what some of her clients have said about her hereand follow her on Facebook.