Ego vs being.

We are human beings right?
Our very purpose, life and body IS pure love. We are energy, we are pure and we are vibrant.
You know how babies laugh at things?
They don't get jokes, they don't understand us but they laugh out of pure unquestionable joy.
As we grow up we lose the ability to be naturally unaware of judgement and just being able to dance, sing when we feel like it, or choose a hair style or even wear what we want for fear of what other people think.
We are energy, we emanate energy and we receive what we give.
If we tell ourselves a negative story our perception of this becomes negative, we then act increasingly negatively and attract more negativity causing a concentrated projection of pessimism and unclear inaccurate perception of the truth. (Ego)
If we meet situations with understanding, coming from our natural state of love (being), things won't get so messy. I promise.
About the author
Crazy-in-love Mum, Mental health advocate, cat enthusiast.