How to Spot the Liars and the Cheats on the Road to Love

How to Spot the Liars and the Cheats on the Road to Love

“Seriously, I’m sick of guys bullshitting me”, exclaimed Kerry. “Me too”, agreed Tina, “I’m so over the dating scene, did I tell you that it turned out the guy I caught up with last week was married?” “I think I’ve been single for too long” said Karen quietly. “I’m...

Live Your Fantasies

Live Your Fantasies

SEX! There I have your attention now don't I? As a business woman I have started to feel somewhat sad about people's unwillingness to go get what they want- whether that is business OR pleasure. For business success, it's simple- you get s**t done. Do it relentlessly....

5 Ways to Avoid an Online Dating Disaster

5 Ways to Avoid an Online Dating Disaster

Online dating has never been as popular as it is now. Where once there may have been a stigma, no longer do online daters have to worry about ridicule. Research indicates that roughly 1 in 3 married couples met each other online and nearly 50% of people have used an...

The Cosmo Hippy Style Guide to Dating

The Cosmo Hippy Style Guide to Dating

Pat Benatar famously said, “love is a battle field”, but it doesn’t have to be! Why celebrate love in the first place? Because we’re all busy that’s why! But being thoroughly modern women, we don’t need to wait around for Prince Charming to sweep us off our feet. It’s...

10 Signs You’re Dating The Wrong Man

10 Signs You’re Dating The Wrong Man

It’s normal to have some doubts that you're dating the wrong man, but if you're experiencing the following issues then perhaps it’s time to rethink your relationship. Time is something you never get back, it is your most valuable resource. Too often I see women...

Picky Brain

Picky Brain

Your subconscious criteria in choosing a potential partner. Why do we choose? It is in our human nature to fall in love— that much we can’t deny. Everyone is in the prowl to find the potential mate because our DNA aims for survival and replication. If that were truly...

The Chemistry of Love

The Chemistry of Love

The biological basis of why people fall in love. How often have you heard people express “I love you from the bottom of my heart” or “I love you will all my heart”? Why is love first and foremost associated with this body organ? Does love really have anything to do...

Your Secret Siren: Attracting the Right Man

Your Secret Siren: Attracting the Right Man

Every woman has her inner siren -- a special core of positive feminine energy capable of attracting the right man. This is what most women fail to realize, so they get stuck up in the cycle of being in the wrong relationship. The worst part is, these women think that...

The Hidden Figures: Women in STEM Erased by History

The Rise of Fascism in the West: How It Benefits Men and the Wealthy but Destroys Society

The Importance of Having An Escape Plan (even if you don’t need it)

The Silent Epidemic: How the Medical System Lets Women Down

A Practical Guide to Matriarchy

Understanding the 4B Movement: A Feminist Revolution in South Korea

Sisterhood Beyond Borders: Building Solidarity in a Divided World

Thriving in Your 40s: A Guide to Natural Wellness and Empowered Living

Embracing Diversity: Unlocking Your Unique Nutritional Needs

I survived the chaos, you can too ! ….

Quit Feeling Obligated to Follow Opinions Over Counsel

Why getting a dog when WFH will help with your mental health

Who is in charge? You or Life?

Parenting a child with autism solo (while trying to build a business…)

I Can’t Breathe

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Join me as I share great strategies, stories, trends and awesome tips from experts all over the globe, for women who love to live life to the full!

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