I Can’t Breathe

I Can’t Breathe

I've been silent for a reason. I needed some time to process my anger and pain. Those who are close to me know that I've been dealing with a daughter who feels helpless. She sent me a text a few days ago that she couldn't stop crying. I've been processing this with my...

Black sheep?

Black sheep?

I was bullied badly when I was young. I get it - I was the little girl trying to cover up bald spots with my huge hair bands. I was an easy target. Bullying led to missing school, then later;changing high school and eventually finding a tribe of very strange humans...

3 Tips to Help You Feel Body Confident

3 Tips to Help You Feel Body Confident

There was a trend in the last decade for women to paradoxically emphasise their feminine traits (lips, figure, hair) and simultaneously act like a man in the workplace (the Lean In Movement). The discrepancy between these messages has left many women feeling that they...

Always Loved, Forever Missed

Always Loved, Forever Missed

Watching the light extinguish from someone you love.... your first true love, is truly one of the hardest things. My mum had terminal cancer. Breast cancer 2 years prior had returned in the duodenum. Back pain thought to be sciatica. Told by the breast surgeon who'd...

The Hidden Figures: Women in STEM Erased by History

The Rise of Fascism in the West: How It Benefits Men and the Wealthy but Destroys Society

The Importance of Having An Escape Plan (even if you don’t need it)

The Silent Epidemic: How the Medical System Lets Women Down

A Practical Guide to Matriarchy

Understanding the 4B Movement: A Feminist Revolution in South Korea

Sisterhood Beyond Borders: Building Solidarity in a Divided World

Thriving in Your 40s: A Guide to Natural Wellness and Empowered Living

Embracing Diversity: Unlocking Your Unique Nutritional Needs

I survived the chaos, you can too ! ….

Quit Feeling Obligated to Follow Opinions Over Counsel

Why getting a dog when WFH will help with your mental health

Who is in charge? You or Life?

Parenting a child with autism solo (while trying to build a business…)

I Can’t Breathe

About Us

Join me as I share great strategies, stories, trends and awesome tips from experts all over the globe, for women who love to live life to the full!

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