Be Happy
If you ask a person what one thing do they want, that is valuable to them after good health, is happiness. We can see this when we are hearing statements such: “happily married” and “happily ever after”. Okay, the last statement was from a fairy tale but happiness is what most people are striving for.
There are of course going to be times, when your happiness level my dip and this is fine, as you need to accept the times when you may need to release the negative emotions.
Being happy is about living your life on your terms and being comfortable in your own skin. This may be a challenge in a world, where you are sometimes being told to forsake your dreams and desires to live what is meant to be the proper thing to do. And, how about those captions that you see in advertisements hinting that you can be better and improved, like you are imperfect.
Getting happy starts with being honest with yourself, going back to the time in your life, which was probably your childhood where you did not fully comprehend the word limitations.
There is nothing selfish about addressing your needs first, how can you help the other person on the plane which going down, if you lose oxygen? Often it is advertised that to continue to have a healthy relationship with your partner, it is good to go on date nights frequently. How about your first relationship with love? Yourself. It is good to be happy and to enjoy your company. How about having a date night with yourself?
When people grow up, they sometimes feel that they can not have fun and be silly. It is the joy, that helps people to enjoy and appreciate moments more. Happiness has also been noted as helping people eradicate illness.
For more tips on increasing your happiness, please see my free e-book BeHappy.
About the author
Sophia Husbands is the chief go-getter over at Sophia World. She specializes in mindset and has a passion for helping people to discover their real, unique self and feel confident about projecting this out into the world. When she is not writing and coaching people, she loves to connect with inspiring people. She is also the host of the lifestyle and freedom mindset podcast the Go-Getter Me show.