You Are An Empowered Woman

Even When You Think You Aren't
Recently I made the statement on Facebook that “I Am an Empowered Woman. Are You?” and a FB friend's answer inspired this post and I thank her for that. She responded “no” and she asked the question “how does that work?” I responded on FB, but I decided to continue my answer here.
An Empowered Woman: How Does That Work?
I believe every woman is innately empowered whether they know it or not. I believe that the unveiling of empowerment is possible given the right tools, guidance, and proper environment.
An empowered woman will blossom when she recognizes what she is capable of, understands that obstacles are detours to success and not a denial of success. The empowered woman believes that she can make it happen (whatever “IT” is). An empowered woman understands that purpose and passion fuel the making of dreams come true. She is one that can make her life happen with a measured will and an ounce of courage to do it. However, that does not mean that she has to do it alone.
[Tweet “She knows that teamwork is an essential part of making the dream come alive. “]
She knows how and when to delegate and that there are aspects of her that are not quite as strong as her greater talents.
That's the time to delegate or expand the empowered woman's team. Calling upon others for assistance helps to accomplish goals at a swifter, yet steady and calculated pace.
An empowered woman enjoys the success of others and shares in their happiness. She is willing to help others to succeed because a success for one is a success for all. An empowered woman knows that personal well-being is of utmost importance in bringing well-being to any type of relationship.
The funny thing about being an empowered woman is that real empowerment surfaces when all of these attributes are set into motion. It's a beautiful thing the instant the revelation becomes clear that you are that woman. And while you bask in it for as long as possibly, another revelation will occur and that my dear will beg the question “what are you going to do with discovery?”
About the author
Charita Cadenhead, Exit Strategist, Founder of Renew Refresh Reset Your Life, Author and Speaker. As an Exit Strategist and Speaker, Charita helps people EXIT out of their comfort zones and fears so that they can ENTER into their purpose, passions, desires and goals. Renew Refresh Reset is all about hitting that reset button in your life and letting go of what's holding you back so that you can move forward without the weight of the past.
Renew Refresh Reset Your Life is designed to you people back on their life's track and keep you steadily on your track in pursuit of your passion, purpose, desires and goals.
Charita coaches individuals and groups and speaks to a wide array of audiences in the workplace, seminars and workshops.
Charita is also a licensed Realtor® in the State of Alabama serving Bham, AL, Co-author of two books, “I Am Woman ” (Release date February 2016) and "Sell Your House Fast for the Right Price”, Member of I Am Woman Network Visionary 40 and Member of Toastmasters.