“I do it my way”
You only have one life to live. You only have one body, so worship it. You only have one first-time. It is destined that from the time we are born it is going to end in death. We are going to be dead longer, than our actual time on this plane.
You may wonder if this is going to be a sermon on certain life facts. To a certain extent it is. One of the core themes radiating through the first paragraph, is how we have only one life to live on this apparent plane: on this planet we call earth.
Often, people seem to get lost in their daily life. It can become programmed and monotonous, with daily routines and conforming to what we are meant to do. In one sense, people may in a “sleep”, not really being aware of what is happening to them. They may be people pleasers, in the sense of doing what is expected by society or even their close ones. They may not really know themselves. How often have you come across the expression, “going to find oneself”? This is an indication of going to a level, where people may have lost touch with what makes them happy.
Happiness can be one person’s life goal. Finding it. Some theorists say that you can not be happy all the time. Okay, it is good to have some form of equilibrium.
Happiness to some is having freedom. This may seem very simple: freedom. You may perceive it as the freedom to walk from one spot to another. In a sense this description is very accurate. Lets take financial freedom for instance; when you are financially free then you may appear to have more options. To twist this around, you may have options to do things, but still can not move from one spot to another. Lets take the person who all of a sudden inherits a large sum of money and does not know how to cope. They may start to overspend; and within a short time end up where they started.
Some people argue that there is no such phrase as can not. My answer is ‘yes you can'.
Here is a good question, if you found out tomorrow that your time was running out, what would you do? I bet that all the things that you had put aside, and told your self that you could not do; or maybe said later would now come to the forefront. At this stage there will be no restrictions to your movement. You will be embracing your life, thinking about making yourself happy.
So why not start today, and start living your one life! Doing it your way.
About the author
Sophia Husbands is the chief go-getter over at Sophia World. She specializes in mindset and has a passion for helping people to discover their real, unique self and feel confident about projecting this out into the world. When she is not writing and coaching people, she loves to connect with inspiring people. She is also the host of the lifestyle and freedom mindset podcast the Go-Getter Me show.