Food as the Foundation of Good Health – Part 2

by Estelle | May 30, 2013 | Food & Diet, Health

Power Foods

It may surprise you to know that there are many items you probably already have in your kitchen and pantry that are considered fabulous boosters to your vitality – some of them have been used as natural medicines for centuries! So to ensure a solid basis for good health and avoiding illness, ensure you have these items in your arsenal before resorting to well-meaning but often harmful synthetic remedies.


One of the healthiest additions to salads and sandwiches, sprouts are easy to grow at home to have a never-ending supply of essential vitamins and minerals that are more bio-available because these are living foods. Alfalfa, radish, mung bean, wheat seed are all popular choices for the home sprouter, and you don't need much more than some seed stock, a large jar and fresh water. Taking from 3 days to 7 days to provide nutritious and delicious sprouts, you can produce these all year round to ensure you have a constant supply of energy-boosting goodness.


Spices such as cinnamon, turmeric and ginger are all packed with antioxidants and other health giving properties, such as blood purifiers and tonics, parasite destroyers and even assist in weight loss. They contain properties which are anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and are rich in phytonutrients, such as carotenoids, flavonoids and other phenolics, all of which possess health-promoting properties.

Fermented Foods

Said to have powerful cancer-fighting abilities, fermented foods such as sauerkraut and yoghurt contain super-friendly bacteria that give your body a boost via the intestinal tract, which often gets clobbered by over-medication and antibiotics. Yoghurt also contains potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins, including B-12 and enhances and assists the immune system.

Raw Vegetables

Important for fibre, vitamins and minerals, and enzymatic contributions to the diet, raw vegetables can be snacked on, eaten in salads, juiced or dehydrated to provide powerful living vitamins. Growing your own veggies and herbs, even if it's a pot of chives on your windowsill, can give a lacklustre meal a boost of welcome sunshine.

Green Tea

Packed with anti-oxidants and a healthier alternative to instant coffee, green tea is high in cancer-fighting nitrilosides. Providing many health benefits, especially in the areas of cancer, diabetes, constipation, cholesterol and obesity, green tea is a must-have addition to your pantry. If you are ever lucky enough to visit a tea plantation (which I had the opportunity to do when I visited China several years ago) then make sure you try their best young green leaf tea beverage to know what a true health boost tastes and feels like! And green tea isn't just limited to a morning cuppa. You can make green tea icecream, green tea tiramisu and green tea smoothies.

By Estelle Williams

By Estelle Williams

Estelle is the Editor & Founder of Smart Healthy Women Mag. She is an expert Coach, Author and Speaker. She is passionate about providing her clientele and readers with successful strategies for realising a life of purpose, meaning and fulfilment using the best in change tools and believes that by reaching their potential, everyone can make the world a better place. She loves to share strategies to enhance the many facets of the busy woman's life, and has also been seen on the Huffington Post sharing her insights.


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