What to do when healthy eating feels like a chore for the family

It’s easy to worry if you are eating the ‘right’ food and getting enough vitamins and minerals in your own diet and this before you start to think about the food that your family are eating.
Meal times can seem like a chore as everyone wants something different or your family are coming and going and just grabbing food on the go.
Trying to find healthy foods that your family will enjoy can seem like a mine field.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Here are some of my favourite, fun, ways to ensure that you and your family enjoy healthy foods together, without it seeming like a chore:
- Get your children involved in growing the food you eat. To do this you don’t need much space, and in minutes, you can simply start by growing your own sprouts in a jam jar. The result is a true living food, one that is bursting full of nutrients and a perfect additions to salads, soups or just enjoyed as they are. If you are unsure where to start check out this handy guide.
- When you’re making a meal why not put a large bowl of fresh, crisp salad in the middle of the table for sharing. If there’s any left keep it in the fridge for a perfect snack for later.
- Make your salads more appealing and try something different. Often people think of salads as garnish or worse still just lettuce, tomato and cucumber. Get creative and add vibrant colours and refreshing flavours to your salads, you could start by adding chopped strawberries or chunks of pineapple.
- You could even get each of the family to create their own signature salad for them to share with the people at the table.
- Smoothies are a fabulous way to sneak more fruit and vegetables into your diet and they are the ultimate fast food. In a blender add some water, 2 bananas and your favourite berries. This is a perfect addition to breakfast or a ‘pick me up’ after work or school. To get extra bonus points add some spinach to your smoothie, you won’t taste it but it will turn your smoothie a glorious colour. If you have children call them a ‘Shrek’ or ‘Monster’ smoothies and watch them gulp them down.
- Keep your fridge stocked with salads and fresh fruit salads that are easy to ‘grab and go’. Also have a couple of ‘healthy’ snacks disguised as indulgent treats in there. My raw chocolate coconut bliss balls and raw cheesecakes are the perfect upgrade to healthier versions that won’t feel like anyone’s missing out! So be sure to check out my recipe for chocolate and coconut bliss balls – you won't believe how easy they are to make nor how good they taste!
Editor’s Note: Don’t forget to check out Rebecca’s online program “30 days to transform you and your life through Raw Food Deliciousness“. And not a carrot stick in site!!
About the author
Rebecca Kane is a Raw Food Teacher, Author and Presenter. She is the author of 'Turn Your Shine On' and 'Raw Food Recipes to make you Shine Inside and Out'She works as both a kinesiologist and a raw food and life coach. Both professions allow her to help her clients
achieve excellent health and pursue their journeys of personal development. Her training and experience have led her to become a strong proponent for the raw food way of life - a fundamental key to find your true-life path, fully embrace the life you were meant to live, and reveal and connect with your divine Shine.
Rebecca is a sought-after public speaker and is regularly interviewed and featured in newspapers and magazines as well as on radio. Visit Rebecca's website, www.ShineOnRaw.com, for many of those recipes as well as additional information, news, developments, and resources.Rebecca has created the The Shining Kitchen, which is a raw food membership site that includes everything you’d expect, such as quick, easy recipes, but more importantly the focus is on Nourishment and Community, which will inspire and support YOU on your raw food journey to health and happiness .