Lingerie, Resilience & Having It All

Mums at home struggling to manage with not enough time to even contemplate time for you… trying to start a new business… juggling your kids, your husband, the dog, your friends, your fitness routine….
I hear you!
Funnily enough (and I truly do find this funny), a few times in the past week, I’ve been told that I seem to “have it ALL”. As a business owner with almost 40 franchisees that I directly manage, a long distance relationship with a gorgeous man, two school age children, his two children, a housemate and the need for “me” time – having “it all” translates to “major juggling act”.
If you’d have told me a few years ago that I would one day be labelled as having it all, I would have laughed…no seriously. Because here’s what you might not know about me: back then, I was broke and totally uninspired by what I was doing – all with two young children in tow.
So what did I do? I got in touch with my resilience. I threw a fabulous event for all my adventurous, champagne-loving and free-spirited girlfriends (of course). I knew that if I could get the right women in the room, magic would happen. And it did. Business in Heels was born.
It went on to become bigger than I’d ever imagined. And here I am today, with an average of three Business in Heels branches launching every month, a long-distance relationship with a gorgeous man, two school-aged children… having (according to everyone else) IT ALL!
But seriously, who has it all? [Tweet “Being perfect at everything means a life with nothing left to learn…”]– and that sounds utterly boring if you ask me.
Life is all about experience, learning from mistakes, evolving and getting to know yourself.
I subscribe to the belief that life is a journey, not a destination. It’s all about making the most of the time you have, doing things you love and investing in the people you love.
The first step is getting clear on what’s important to you. I have my partner, children and close friends right up at the top and then it’s my career and personal pleasures (French provincial furniture shops anyone? Pinot Grigio, darling?). I’m trying to allocate more time for fitness and travel now, too – more balls in the air!
Here are my tips about how I (try) to have it all… every day.
1. Recognise that you cannot be perfect at EVERYTHING. You don’t have to be either!
2. Try to manage your time according to your priorities.
3. Try to be on time. Other people’s time is just as important as yours!
4. When with your children, be PRESENT. The time you have with them as children does not last forever. Be present in those moments. If you have babies that sleep and you are working, do your calls during their sleeps.
5. With your friends, invest the majority of time into those who count. They deserve it. Try your best to be a good friend in return and be there for them.
6. With your partner, show them they are a priority. Invest your time and energy in them. Spark it up a little and keep the mojo alive. “Lingerie – the gift that keeps on giving!” (Now there’s a tip from the top!)
7. If you can, switch off when it’s not work time. Turn the emails off, don’t answer calls, try and get 100% personal time when you can. When I go away for a work trip, I try to schedule all my meetings in one day to allow myself a day off.
8. Pleasure. Find time to do some things you love. Reward yourself for a job well done. I collect little Thomas Sabo charms for any big wins.
9. Try to eat well, drink water and do some form of exercise if you can.
10. Stay focussed on the big picture. I have a vision board that is right in view of my desk… If I ever daze and have a momentary lack of inspiration – it’s planted right in front of my face!
And if you get in a position in life where you have the funds or time to contribute something back – that is truly to have it all.
About the author
Jac Bowie is the CEO and founder of Business in Heels, the world’s fastest growing online and real-life networking concept for women.
Jac launched Business in Heels as a one-off Sydney event in 2013 and it was a smashing success. After three events, Jac was approached to license the event to another producer in Melbourne. By the time the contract was finished, there were 25 other branch director applications, spanning 6 countries.
Today an average of three branches opens somewhere throughout the world.
Today Jac’s week is filled training new Branch Directors, creating new programs, brainstorming new promotion ideas, and speaking at her events – while being mum to two children.
Before embarking on her journey as an entrepreneur, Jac was director of The Bijou Group, appointed to the advisory team for Sydney Mardi Gras, and producer of Short+Sweet festivals (the biggest little play festival in the world) in Sydney and Canberra.
Jac is a free-spirited and engaging personality with insight into the creation of a successful franchise, the world of women in business, and juggling the dual roles of “mum” and “head of empire”.