It’s All About The Vibe

If life feels like it’s just not working, and real change continues to elude you, you might consider that there’s a far bigger purpose behind what’s going on in your life than you realise. Everything happening in your life is happening for a reason; contrary to popular belief, nothing ever happens ‘out of the blue.'
Although we often fail to draw the connection, the occurrences in our lives have, over time, been thought into existence; what we think about is not in response to what shows up, what shows up is in response to what we think about.
Whatever is happening around us is a direct reflection of, and vibrational match for, that which is occurring within us. If we want to change our life, we need to start looking at it from a whole new perspective. Instead of trying to manipulate our outer world to make us happy we must turn our attention inwards, to the only place we can control.
There is no judgement, it’s not a case of you think A, therefore you deserve B. Our outer life is merely a reflection.
Just as a mirror reflects back our outer self, so too does our life reflect back our inner self. The problem is however that whilst we easily recognise the reflection we see in the mirror, we fail to recognise the reflection that is our life because we have little or no awareness as to how we truly look on the inside. There are three reasons for this phenomenon.
One – we do not recognise our thought patterns. Many of our thoughts are automatic, driven by the deep rooted and unquestioned belief systems implanted by others, usually from a very early age. We fail to question our thoughts and believe them to be a reflection of who we are, but more often than not they are simply a reflection of who we have been conditioned to be.
Two – we fail to deal with our emotions. We’re largely unfamiliar with our emotional self because we repress and supress our emotions, relegating them to the depths of the subconscious mind. Thoughts always precede feelings, and when thoughts and feelings lock together they create the energy that is emotion. If we stuff our emotions down we are trapping the energy within, changing the frequency of our vibration.
Three – we are disconnected from our spiritual self and purpose. We have forgotten that we are spiritual beings and as such are disconnected from who we truly are. Our spiritual amnesia prevents us from stepping outside the physical realms and viewing our lives from a spiritual perspective where everything happening is not to break us, but to wake us.
Whatever is showing up, or failing to show up in our lives is never a response to us not deserving that which we desire; it’s because we are failing to make the connection between our inner and outer worlds.
Let’s say you’re struggling to find love. From a conscious level you’re ticking all the right boxes, but with little success. The lack of love in your life is a reflection of, and vibrational match for, the love that is lacking within yourself. Maybe you're a regular nit-picky self-critic, putting impossible standards on yourself, running yourself down, comparing yourself unfavourably to others. Maybe you always put your needs last. Perhaps having been abandoned or felt unloved by a parent, deep down you hold the belief that you don't deserve love, or that real love isn’t possible, or sustainable. People who truly love themselves, regardless of their physical makeup, are never lacking in love – it's quite the opposite.
From a spiritual perspective you are here to learn the spiritual lesson of unconditional love. Until you learn to love yourself your relationships will always be sparse or troubled in some shape or form. However, every time that love is withheld from us, we are being given the opportunity to turn inwards and identify where we are withholding it from ourselves. From here we will always move closer to learning the lesson of unconditional love and as a result lift our vibration allowing love into our lives.
Think of your inner vibration as a colour. Whatever colour you’re vibrating at attracts the very same.
Imagine the colour of love to be pink; this is the colour of our vibration when we are in alignment with our true selves and practicing self-love. As a result everything that‘s attracted into our life will also be pink i.e. more love. Likewise imagine the vibration of self-loathing as the colour grey. As the vibration we’re holding internally has no other option but to attract its like, although we may attract a mate, it will be one who is also vibrating grey. This is one of the main reasons for dysfunctional relationships. The very vibration that brings them together destroys them because each person, at some level, is a reflection of the lack of love within the other.
[Tweet “The big question then is how do we change our inner vibration?”]
We’re all aware of the need to think positively and we're all capable of turning it on when the mood strikes, but if you've tried, you'll know that maintaining a positive vibe is a challenge, especially in the face of adversity. It’s important here to mention that we must not blame ourselves for what’s showing up, that's definitely not what's it about, because the vibration of shame will only attract more things to feel shameful about.
To achieve lasting change, we have to get to the root of what’s causing our dominant vibrational frequency, and that root is quite simply the conditioned parts of our personalities that we consider negative and have therefore rejected and buried for fear that they will be discovered, not only by others, but by ourselves. We have banished them to the subconscious because we consider them too painful, too confronting, too imperfect. However, they are the driving force behind our dominant vibration and are thus our point of attraction. To change our vibration we need to bring these negative aspects of self into the only place they can be transformed, the conscious mind.
From a spiritual perspective this is precisely why we have incarnated into human form, so that we can have the experiences necessary to bring forth and transform these energies to arrive at self-realisation, and achieve happiness. The truth is however that we will find true peace, love and happiness in our lives only when we shine the light of our consciousness onto our shadow and accept ourselves entirely. This is our purpose.
We must decide that we are willing to accept every part of ourselves, warts and all, because if we continue to reject these parts we will continue disliking ourselves, and nobody ever found happiness being with someone they didn't like.
Until we transform these energies we will continue to attract experiences, which may certainly appear negative, but are in fact opportunities for us to lovingly integrate these negative parts of self and discover who we truly are. Only from here will we be able to control our inner vibration and create our lives with intention to access the peace, happiness and love that we all desire and deserve.
About the author
Dawn Lee is an Intuitive Life Coach, heart centred professional and founder of The Cognitive Soul. She is also a loving Mother with a fierce passion for health and well-being, and has spent years dedicated to studying and soulfully educating herself in aspects of human behaviour, spirituality, philosophy and energy clearing. She holds a BA (honors) degree in Psychology & Sociology, accredited qualifications in Life Coaching, Training and Assessing, and Management and is a certified Energy Body and Chakra Clearing Practitioner. Having healed her own chronic health condition through energy clearing, Dawn believes that at the heart of the majority of dis-ease lies repressed and suppressed emotion. Dawn is now committed to helping others transform and live happy, healthy, peaceful lives by discovering and connecting to their true selves. Originally from Scotland, Dawn is also a lover of travel and has lived and worked in London, Japan and now Australia.