How Opposite Poles Can Attract

Creating balance between masculine and feminine energies.
Each individual has both masculine and feminine energies, but one prevails over the other. For women, femininity becomes their ideal essence; for men, it is masculinity. That is why in heterosexual relationship, one takes the role of the masculine and the other the feminine. This is necessary for balance between two people in the relationship. If one takes on the masculine role, the other unconsciously embodies the feminine energy to create polarity, balance, and attraction in the relationship.
However, society is evolving and so are the roles of men and women. The stereotype surrounding women back in the days seem obsolete now— women these days have more control over their lives and the roles they want to play in the world. They are no longer confined to just fostering human life in their wombs. Becoming a Stepford wife isn’t the only future anymore. Women have taken up the active role of fitting in men’s jobs as well. Although not entirely a bad thing, but women trying to be more like men in the power-hungry struggle for equality may rid women of their natural feminine essence. They lose more of their “women substance” by trying to be more like men. But what is it really like to be more masculine? Possessing masculine energy gives males the qualities of control, strength, and purpose. To be a man is to imbue the characteristics of being a provider and protector.
When women embody more masculine energy, men tend to imbue more of the feminine energy as a rule of attraction. This becomes a problem when both partners are competing for supremacy over a single energy. Women oftentimes feel that their feminine essence becomes compromised. Men on the other hand feel stripped of their natural purpose. The continued effort to be different causes men and women to lose connection to their innermost essences.
But women can reclaim their femininity and men their masculinity. Women have to realize that they are naturally sensual creatures. A woman should be at accepting of and at home in her own skin. Looking within, a woman knows that she is truly craving for love and intimacy. That is when she becomes truly radian and magnetic, manifesting the very fulfillment of her soul’s purpose. As women become more aligned with their feminine energy, their male partners will naturally exhibit more masculinity to maintain balance in the relationship. The nurturing and empowering qualities of women will begin to inspire men to rise to their true masculine essence of the being the strong protector and provider.
About the author
Samantha Jayne is a Relationship Expert, Dating Coach, Matchmaker, Author, Speaker and founder of Samantha Jayne.
Samantha is THE expert in rescuing professional singles looking for love. With Blue Label Life’s incredible 92% success rate in establishing long term relationships. She is also founder of Make Men Commit, a website for women to bring out their inner goddess within and snare the man of their dreams!
Samantha brings a fresh and honest approach to the world of dating advice, “When it comes to Love, be open, positive and expect the unexpected”.
Pick up your copy of Samantha's e-book How to Make a Man Commit: Your ultimate guide to capturing the man of your dreams AND keeping him" today.