Believe to Achieve!

As human beings we all see the world differently. It is all perception. And what diversity there is!
I am sure you have probably heard of The Secret, The Law of Attraction or renowned author Eckhart Tolle? All three view the world based on the fact that everything in the world we see is made up of energy and that like attracts like. The experience we receive in our world is similar to the experience we put out into the world. We co create our world by our thoughts. Thoughts become things.
Albert Einstein says it best:
‘Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.'
Since learning this a few years ago and experiencing the effects first hand I certainly am more careful what I think about and what I project out into the world. I thought I might share some instances where I got the results of my thinking. A lot of people would call them coincidences but I call them wow moments!
Last week I was in a meeting when the idea of implementing an incentive programs arose. I personally love being a part of them. To get the opportunity to compete for prizes and cash, awesome. We were discussing starting one for the retailers in our business. We discussed some ideas and it really got my mind thinking, thinking. I was really excited about this idea and it brought back lots of thoughts of a few years ago when I created and managed one for a company I worked for. Ready for wow moment… The same afternoon I go to my letterbox only to find a $50 voucher I had won from my casual job incentive program. I didn't even know there was one going. Magic!
Recently I signed up for a reading I found online by a prominent angel card reader. It said to think of something special to me and in the next few days it will appear in your world. I straight away thought of a pink and blue butterfly! I had never seen one before so I knew that it would really stand out for me if I did. I was really excited about just how this would manifest into my world. Ready for the wow moment… That same afternoon I went to pick my two year old up from daycare. When I arrived I noticed she had a different t-shirt on and guess what was on it? Yes! a pink and blue butterfly. It was a huge ah-ha! moment for me as you can imagine. She ran up to me for a cuddle and I literally could have burst into happy tears. The pink and blue butterfly showed up again for me that week just as a little happy reminder.
I am guessing you are right now thinking of all your serendipitous wow moments! I encourage you to think of them, talk about them and you will manifest more of them! It's how the world works.
Ok so they were really just recent random moments I thought I would share. Now let me really wow you. What if I said you can achieve anything that is in your wildest dreams?! Would you believe me? It IS possible based on the above principle.
I recommend to make a vision board full of colour and creativeness of what you want in your world. Be honest, sincere and specific. Put your vision board in a prominent place where you can see it throughout the day. When you look at it, close your eyes and feel what it would feel like to have those things in your life. Feel like you already have achieved them. Believe me, changes will start to fall into place to wow you!
I can honestly say I have and continue to manifest the world of my dreams. There isn't much I want or need. I am truly grateful for all that I have. Even the more challenging days I am grateful for the learning and growth that come from those. I live in a sense of inspired wonderment for what is next for me. Very cool!
By now you are saying, “No way! She can't be serious.” I AM! Then more gratitude I put out into the world brings more things to be grateful for and so on.
Try it out for yourself.
[Tweet “Remember the world you see starts with you.”]
You can achieve anything. Make sure you have the right glasses on to manifest love, kindness, gratitude and the world you choose.
About the author
Liz Stringer, Founder and Managing Director of Miracle Minded, is a herbal healer who is passionate about creating natural products that empower the everyday woman.
After studying herbal healing and spending years traveling throughout eastern cultures learning of their traditional remedies, Liz envisioned to create natural products that would reintroduce a selection of aphrodisiac herbs back into circulation. Liz believes that women have the right to feel their best and take control of their lives, which is why she created her all natural product range, Miracle Minded.