Jac Bowie is the CEO and founder of Business in Heels, the world’s fastest growing online and real-life networking concept for women. Jac launched Business in Heels as a one-off Sydney event in 2013 and it was a smashing success. After three events, Jac was approached to license the event to another producer in Melbourne. By the time the contract was finished, there were 25 other branch director applications, spanning 6 countries. Today an average of three branches opens somewhere throughout the world. Today Jac’s week is filled training new Branch Directors, creating new programs, brainstorming new promotion ideas, and speaking at her events – while being mum to two children. Before embarking on her journey as an entrepreneur, Jac was director of The Bijou Group, appointed to the advisory team for Sydney Mardi Gras, and producer of Short+Sweet festivals (the biggest little play festival in the world) in Sydney and Canberra. Jac is a free-spirited and engaging personality with insight into the creation of a successful franchise, the world of women in business, and juggling the dual roles of “mum” and “head of empire”.