5 steps to soul success in 2014

This time of year everyone is talking about getting plans together for next year. Business, health and wealth…!
What do you want to achieve?
What’s the dream for 2014…the hopes and the kicking fears to touch story?
It’s difficult to hide from the fact that in a few weeks 2013 will be no longer. Energetically, 2014 is here. I am not writing 2013 off but each New Year always births energetically in advance of the calendar. The sassy ones utilise this energy before January 1st.
Yet all the changes people talk about are external, business, wealth, physical body. Great as they are it’s not a new concept that your outer world is reflected by your inner world. Yet why is it at a time of New Year the changes tend to focus on the external more than anything
Is it a lack of spiritual intelligence?
Is it really just a panic that in truth we feel we aren’t good enough so we want to change the appearance of everything to hide what is happening in our inner worlds?
Or is it that inherently there is such a lack of trust in the universe….?
Probably it is a bit of all 3.
Inner changes create and support outer changes. That is just how it works.
If you have bold health, wealth and business dreams for yourself in 2014 – brilliant I say but let’s get your soul aligned. I am going to share 5 soul growth tips for 2014 with these you are setting your soul to align with the success you desire in the outer world.
Don’t forget your inner world creates your outer reality!
Your 5 steps to soul success 2014!
# 1: Soul Detox: We’ve all heard of a physical detox but I want to share a soul detox with you. Write on a piece of paper everything you didn’t feel good about in 2013. What didn’t work, what you wish you had done more of or less of etc. The Bad and the Ugly, where you felt you were not good enough. Purge it out on some paper. Once done burn that paper (safely of course!) or you can rip it into tiny shreds and chuck it in the garbage. Don’t recycle it as you don’t want this stuff back!
#2: Get yourself a soul workout plan: Learn to meditate! The benefits are well known so I don’t need to ‘sell’ meditation to you. I just want you to commit and make time for meditation daily. Just a few minutes, forget the 30 minutes of sitting still malarkey. Meditate with ease and grace a few minutes daily and just connect to your greatness. If you want a free meditation from me you can grab it here: www.thesoulagentblog.com/meditation.
#3: The soul loves the truth: I do this as a mirror exercise. Spend some time looking at yourself, making eye contact! Then start to talk, talk about your fears, your concerns your hopes and dreams. Talk about your likes and dislikes. Your confusion and joy! Talk about it all. Your soul responds to the truth because it knows and if you try and pull the wool over its metaphoric eye you are only denying yourself.
#4: Book a spiritual development workshop: Go and do something because it nourishes your soul. A day of angel connection, a day of meditation and day of learning about how to connect to your soul, to hear the messages in nature…the choices are abundant. Just book something in now for January and let your soul be expanded. It’s too easy to go for the obvious, the workout class, the business group and all these things are important but your soul is too…maybe in fact a little more hey!
#5: Schedule some REAL fun: Forget must dos and obligations and go and have some serious fun. Forget looking to be doing the right things and go and just do what your soul wants and have some fun. Laugh with wild abandon it brings the light back to your soul!
What would you add to this list? What are you going to take on from this list? Do share in comments below!
Wishing you super soulful success in 2014 and beyond!
Sarupa Shah
About the author
Sarupa Shah is an award winning intuitive business coach and the owner and founder of The Soul Agency. The Soul Agency works with women entrepreneurs and leaders across the globe who want to put soul and spirit back into their life and the world. Her passion and power is to show women how to heal their relationship with money, discover their life purpose and get on with living the dream. Sarupa’s is a published author of the no.1 best seller – The Art of Affirmations and Heart Centered Entrepreneur (both available on Kindle via Amazon)
To learn more www.sarupashah.com or www.thesoulagentblog.com.