Your Secret Siren: Attracting the Right Man

Every woman has her inner siren — a special core of positive feminine energy capable of attracting the right man. This is what most women fail to realize, so they get stuck up in the cycle of being in the wrong relationship.
The worst part is, these women think that is all they will deserve or ever get. Wrong.
In order to attract the right man like a magnet, you have to get in touch with your inner siren by reclaiming and using your powerful feminine energy to your best advantage.
Here's a list of useful tips to achieve just that.
#1 Assertive, not aggressive.
Get rid of the notion that you have to do unnecessary things to capture his attention. Some women turn to aggression in order to lure a man. They give in to all his wants and demands. The right way to go is to assert yourself– you are a woman who needs to be treated with respect and deep affection.
>#2 Love yourself first.
In order to attract the right man, you have to be the right woman first. You must be capable of accepting yourself for who you are. Once you do, you become happier. And when you are happy, you begin to attract good things in your life. And that includes a good man.
#3 Hold yourself up.
Be the best version of yourself and always bring your best foot forward. You have to be on par with the standards you set. You won't exactly attract the successful man you are dreaming about if you are unemployed. You wouldn't be able to capture a nice gentleman's attention if you are out partying in bars till early in the morning and puking your guts out.
#4 Let him chase you.
Don't be needy and desperate because men can sense that early on. If he can get you easily, he'll just play with your feelings and use you. But if you could be the type of woman he needs to work for, he'll value and respect you more.
#5 Be receptive.
Sure, you can' t give away everything all at once. But don't be a cold-hearted bitch as well. Don't compete with a man's masculine energy. An ideal woman is someone who can hold up her own feminine energy as a complement to a man's masculinity. It means allowing herself to be pampered and loved, to receive a man's affection with appreciation.

If you haven't landed the man of your dreams yet, remember these things and look into what you could possibly be doing wrong.
If you start to reconnect with your inner siren, you will begin to marvel at the wonderful power of feminine energy.
About the author
Samantha Jayne is a Relationship Expert, Dating Coach, Matchmaker, Author, Speaker and founder of Samantha Jayne.
Samantha is THE expert in rescuing professional singles looking for love. With Blue Label Life’s incredible 92% success rate in establishing long term relationships. She is also founder of Make Men Commit, a website for women to bring out their inner goddess within and snare the man of their dreams!
Samantha brings a fresh and honest approach to the world of dating advice, “When it comes to Love, be open, positive and expect the unexpected”.
Pick up your copy of Samantha's e-book How to Make a Man Commit: Your ultimate guide to capturing the man of your dreams AND keeping him" today.