Breathing Easier
I want to introduce you to some breathing exercises, that will make breathing easier for you. The Breath of Life...
Because you matter
I want to introduce you to some breathing exercises, that will make breathing easier for you. The Breath of Life...
Some things never change, and some exercise myths never seem to fade away. If you believe some of these misconceptions,...
Interview with Mila Kunis in GQ Magazine 2011 GQ: "Great stomach."Kunis: "Pilates. I'm telling you—Pilates. I can tell you that...
In our fast-paced world, the true concept of pure relaxation has nearly been lost. Most people, when they think of relaxing,...
One of the most common questions I am asked as the Founder of Bliss Sanctuary For Women, the first of-its-kind...
Expensive creams, overnight treatments and procedures are not the beauty regimens that you really need. In fact, taking care of...
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