How Opposite Poles Can Attract
Creating balance between masculine and feminine energies. Each individual has both masculine and feminine energies, but one prevails over the...
Because you matter
Creating balance between masculine and feminine energies. Each individual has both masculine and feminine energies, but one prevails over the...
Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer of women? It kills more of us gorgeous, lovely ladies...
Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others with theirs. We’ve heard the flight attendants say these words every...
The Pilates Principles: They maketh the Method The six original principles of the Pilates Method are: BREATHING – CENTREING –...
The Pilates Principles: They maketh the Method The six original principles of the Pilates Method are: BREATHING – CENTREING –...
Or, should we take a step back to see the overall health picture? I have always been one for balance:...
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