My body’s hurting….Where have I gone wrong?

My body’s hurting….Where have I gone wrong?

If your body’s hurting, you probably have something to do with it. Now I know it’s easy to think that it’s your body doing something to you, but the truth is that your body is a “perfect accountant.” In other words, it keeps track of every single decision, action,...

7 Benefits of Stretching Everyday

7 Benefits of Stretching Everyday

Whether you are a young child, teenager, an adult or elderly, everyone needs to stretch and can benefit from stretching regularly. Stretching is a vital component for optimal health and should be included in your daily routine. Here are seven benefits of stretching...

7 Easy Health “Hacks”

7 Easy Health “Hacks”

Try these 7 easy health “hacks” from osteopathy that can make your life a little bit better and healthier.   Mattress Matters! Ensure you have a supportive mattress. Think twice before buying a hard or firm mattress, as research has shown that the best mattress...

My Secret Sport

My Secret Sport

When I was younger I used to forge sick notes or pretend I had my period at school so I could get out of doing any kind of physical activity. My nick name was thunder thighs and we had to wear gym knickers that resembled granny pants. It was mortifying. I secretly...

Mamata’s tips

Mamata’s tips

Living whole-heartedly All it takes is just one moment a day to connect with ourselves and our children. Mothers don’t have much spare time, but you can always return to yourself in just one breath, in a single moment. Create some principles to remind you how to live...

Attract the life you adore

Attract the life you adore

On the tip of an iceberg We have created unconscious unhealthy habits that we do not even think about while we are doing them. This could be the way we breathe, our posture or the way we get annoyed and shout at our children. The first step of breaking these habits is...

Pilates Principles Series – 6

Pilates Principles Series – 6

The Pilates Principles: They maketh the Method The six original principles of the Pilates Method are: BREATHING – CENTREING – CONTROL – CONCENTRATION – FLOW - PRECISION The Pilates Method is firmly founded in this set of principles that make the method what it is. The...

Pilates Principles – 5

Pilates Principles – 5

The Pilates Principles: They maketh the Method The six original principles of the Pilates Method are: BREATHING – CENTREING – CONTROL – CONCENTRATION – FLOW - PRECISION The Pilates Method is firmly founded in this set of principles that make the method what it is. The...

Pilates Principles Series – Concentration

Pilates Principles Series – Concentration

The Pilates Principles: They maketh the Method The six original principles of the Pilates Method are: BREATHING – CENTREING – CONTROL – CONCENTRATION – FLOW - PRECISION The Pilates Method is firmly founded in this set of principles that make the method what it is. The...

The Hidden Figures: Women in STEM Erased by History

The Rise of Fascism in the West: How It Benefits Men and the Wealthy but Destroys Society

The Importance of Having An Escape Plan (even if you don’t need it)

The Silent Epidemic: How the Medical System Lets Women Down

A Practical Guide to Matriarchy

Understanding the 4B Movement: A Feminist Revolution in South Korea

Sisterhood Beyond Borders: Building Solidarity in a Divided World

Thriving in Your 40s: A Guide to Natural Wellness and Empowered Living

Embracing Diversity: Unlocking Your Unique Nutritional Needs

I survived the chaos, you can too ! ….

Quit Feeling Obligated to Follow Opinions Over Counsel

Why getting a dog when WFH will help with your mental health

Who is in charge? You or Life?

Parenting a child with autism solo (while trying to build a business…)

I Can’t Breathe

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Join me as I share great strategies, stories, trends and awesome tips from experts all over the globe, for women who love to live life to the full!

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