Kiran Ram is a nutrition coach for women who desperately want to lose weight. Through her totally-addictive recipes, free guides, meal plans and workshops, she’s here to show you how to kick cravings, improve moods and lose weight-while making every step feel like a total guilty pleasure. She finally had had enough of secretly battling with an eating disorder for over 20 years that zapped her energy, confidence and moods. To stop the endless rollercoaster diets, she certified as a Neuro Nutrient Therapist with Julia Ross, pioneer in amino acid therapy and author of Diet Cure and Mood Cure. As a Cravings and Moods Transformer, Kiran now supports women kick their cravings, feel energized and happier through personalized programs of nutritional repair. Join her for her FREE Endless Energy 101 Challenge starting soon! When she is not teaching women how to drop the struggle and lose weight once and for all, you can find her mixing and messing in the kitchen, painting her fingers green in the garden, travelling and working on her book project. Transform your cravings and moods for a life full of health, joy -achieve a life you dream of at