Ladies say I teach happiness. What I believe I do is to help you train your mind, soul and heart to reach higher confidence and happiness to live a more fulfilled life. Interested? If so, keep reading. Otherwise stop here! Although I'd be sad if you did. I am the author of “The Confident Woman: How To Boost Self-Esteem and Be Happy” and everything that I teach has been applied before in my own life. No, my life is not perfect, but I can teach you a thing or two about happiness. You see, 12 years ago I used hate myself and now, I love myself and I'm happy. If this sounds appealing to you, let’s keep reading. What do you do in your free time? During mine I’m socializing (I can make friends in a restroom, in a cemetery, in the grocery store, you name it), exercising, or I’m found lost cooking veggies with too many spices. Ah! I suppose I should mention some of my credentials. You know, the boring but necessary part of a bio… I’m a Certified Strategic Coach in the US, I hold a Masters in International Management from England and Chile says I’ve got a degree in Agricultural Engineering from that beautiful country. I’m a former Trade Commissioner, currently run my own business in Chicago and I invite you to get a FREE Ultimate Guide To Happiness at If you would you like to connect with me live (it might be worth it), let's chat on Mondays at 6pm ET at “The Ultimate Happy Hour” Radio Show on Creating Calm Network. On a more serious note, I am also a recovered model for a toilet paper company. Not kidding.