Guest Article Submission Form

We occasionally agree to publish articles on our site and in our digital edition from guest contributors. If you would like to submit an article, please fill in the form below. If we agree to publish your article, we will be in touch within 7 days. Unfortunately, we cannot agree to publish every article that is submitted, so if you don't hear from us then you can assume the article was not suited for publication on our site at this time. (Please complete all fields.)

    Your Role

    Has your article been previously published?

    Which publication is your submission for?

    I agree to abide by the Guest Writer Guidelines

    Please add me to the Smart Healthy Women private authors' list to be notified of submission opportunities.

    *Before submitting your article, ensure that you have read, understood and agreed to our Guest Writer Guidelines. By submitting your article on this form, you agree to abide by the terms in those guidelines, and to follow the recommendations in the guidelines regarding your article submission.