Rebecca Kane is a Raw Food Teacher, Author and Presenter. She is the author of 'Turn Your Shine On' and 'Raw Food Recipes to make you Shine Inside and Out'She works as both a kinesiologist and a raw food and life coach. Both professions allow her to help her clients
achieve excellent health and pursue their journeys of personal development. Her training and experience have led her to become a strong proponent for the raw food way of life - a fundamental key to find your true-life path, fully embrace the life you were meant to live, and reveal and connect with your divine Shine.
Rebecca is a sought-after public speaker and is regularly interviewed and featured in newspapers and magazines as well as on radio. Visit Rebecca's website, <a href="//”" target="”_blank”"></a>, for many of those recipes as well as additional information, news, developments, and resources.Rebecca has created the <a href="" target="_blank"> The Shining Kitchen</a>, which is a raw food membership site that includes everything you’d expect, such as quick, easy recipes, but more importantly the focus is on Nourishment and Community, which will inspire and support YOU on your raw food journey to health and happiness .