There’s no War like a Divorce War…

There’s no War like a Divorce War…

There is a great divorce story movie that I love called “War of the Roses”. It’s about a couple who have the supposed perfect family life and over the years begin to loathe each other, with the inevitable divorce finale. The film commences with a lawyer friend of the...

Holiday Stress and Divorce

Holiday Stress and Divorce

Christmas ghost of nightmares past Christmas should be the time of year when we are filled with joy, love and anticipation of the holiday season. We are having the family over for a big get together, we open thoughtfully planned gifts, sing carols around a bright and...

The Dark Side of a Divorcing Mindset…

The Dark Side of a Divorcing Mindset…

I was at a business event the other night and was approach by a man of around 40 years asking what I did in my business. I mentioned that I was a forensic accountant working in family law and that I searched for hidden assets in marriages. “Great”, he said, “…can you...

Where’s the Money?

Where’s the Money?

Wisdom from a Divorce Accountant The fours pillars of a happy and successful marriage are love, respect, honesty and trust. My grandparents taught me this and that without these foundations no marriage can prosper and survive. As a consequence of what I do for a...

The Hidden Figures: Women in STEM Erased by History

The Rise of Fascism in the West: How It Benefits Men and the Wealthy but Destroys Society

The Importance of Having An Escape Plan (even if you don’t need it)

The Silent Epidemic: How the Medical System Lets Women Down

A Practical Guide to Matriarchy

Understanding the 4B Movement: A Feminist Revolution in South Korea

Sisterhood Beyond Borders: Building Solidarity in a Divided World

Thriving in Your 40s: A Guide to Natural Wellness and Empowered Living

Embracing Diversity: Unlocking Your Unique Nutritional Needs

I survived the chaos, you can too ! ….

Quit Feeling Obligated to Follow Opinions Over Counsel

Why getting a dog when WFH will help with your mental health

Who is in charge? You or Life?

Parenting a child with autism solo (while trying to build a business…)

I Can’t Breathe

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