< PreviousSMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE - PAGE 39These are just some of the aspects of women that we can recognise and celebrate:Friends: Many women have one or several close friends – people they connect with regularly. Often it is to share feelings, experiences or discuss and debrief life events. Some women have a close friend who they don’t see very often, but when they do catch up – its like time has stood still. It may be the ability of women to be aware of their feelings and to share their feelings, that helps them to deal with or cope with life stressors. It’s a woman’s ability to connect with others that can help her get thru the tough times.- PAGE 40 - SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEFamily: How many families are kept together with a strong and passionate woman. It may be the mother or grandmother – someone who looks out for everyone – checks in with everyone, keeps an eye on the kids or inquires about how Is “so and so”. Who in your family organises the family gatherings? A birthday. Christmas. A surprise Party.? Who keeps in touch with the long lost relatives? Our family members who live far away…….? Who writes letters, Christmas cards or family newsletters? Chances are – 90% of you reading this will say – it’s the woman in your home or your family. So, women are the Great Connector – the glue in our intergenerational society. Community: Who are the movers and shakers in your neighbourhood? Who is involved in volunteering or in keeping the church group or local community group going? There are quite a few “groups” that have men and women involved; and often it is the women in key organisational roles. SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE - PAGE 41In other groups, women are “the group”. I can think of business women groups, women’s health groups, country women Associations or Soroptimists International. There are quite a few groups where there is no real male group equivalent. Perhaps its women connecting with others, making a difference in their community, that gives their life purpose and meaning.Focus: Women have a great ability to focus in amongst so many things. Many women juggle work and core home duties such as cooking, cleaning or caring for children. So many women have these organisational and planning skills – fine tuning tasks and keeping a family on track for a range of important commitments – being on time for school, getting that assignment done, being able to wear a clean uniform or having dinner ready. It’s often a woman’s ability to connect with herself and to connect with others that helps her to focus.- PAGE 42 - SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEWorkplace: It’s often the organisational and time management skills of women that put them in core roles like administration, reception or secretarial duties….its the woman’s ability to notice and care about the “individual” that sees them as important team members. Women are good at communicating and good at networking….skills that help everyone to connect on so many levels. Other women move into management and utilise their skills in other roles.Couples:Humans are relational beings and intimacy is important for everyone. In relationships, women are often the ones to reach out – connecting, communicating or sharing feelings. So much so that sometimes women stay in relationships that are not good, perhaps optimistic that things will improve. Women are often strong and resilient – standing up for their beliefs and values.SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE - PAGE 43Nurturing: Women are biologically attuned to “Care” - to be attached to a baby or to care for children. Women usually strive to keep a family together to meet the needs of children. Women are also often found in employment in nurturing roles – as nurses, carers, child care workers. It’s the woman’s ability to connect and communicate that best positions them in those roles.There are so many aspects to celebrate as women. So many parts of our community and cultures thrive with women – creating life, maintaining life, connecting and sharing with others. You are a part of this interconnected world - a vital part, an integral part. Reflect on your dreams and goals - consider your interactions and connections with other women. Celebrate who we all are and enjoy life!!- PAGE 44 - SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINESMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE - PAGE 45CELEBRATE THE BIRTHING EXPERIENCEby Zoe DonkinI am in awe of the women I teach. These are women who I meet when their bellies are big, sometimes huge, babies inside. They come to my hypnobirthing classes, often with their partners; a room of possibility and excitement mixed with rawness and vulnerability.Fast forward to the next time I see them. Instead of a bump, they have a baby in their arms and they are now a mother. They tell me their birth story and every time, every single time, I find myself amazed. Whether it has gone smoothly or not, with medical intervention or without, I am always inspired by their honesty. Their strength. Their endurance. I am inspired by the love that surges through their words. I want to celebrate these women - and every woman - who has been through the extraordinary transformation of pregnancy, birth and motherhood. Because yes, it’s something women do every day all over the world. But for each of those women, it is nonetheless remarkable and life changing.Here is an excerpt from one of those birth stories that make me catch my breath whenever I read it: “It was extremely challenging getting out of the water, I was about 8cm dilated so moving into another room was really difficult but I remember looking at the sunset over the Thames (our room looked onto the river and Parliament) and feeling awed by the fact that the whole day had passed when time had stood still for me… I was shocked and awed when they put my baby on my chest, and despite the fact my whole body was throbbing I was just totally focused on her. The magnitude of what I’d been through was somehow cemented by holding this little creature.” MIRACULOUS RIGHT?SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINE - PAGE 47The myriad of emotions a woman will experience in labour is pretty mind-blowing. Exhaustion one moment, energy the next. Despair followed by elation. Strength and vulnerability. These emotions are what make us human, but so rarely are they experienced with such intensity or in such a short space of time. Some are emotions we think we shouldn’t have, the secrets we cover up with smiles and insta-filters.We spend so much time trying to be strong, to seem sorted. We like to be in control, using apps to check the weather and plan our travel. But here’s the thing. Pregnancy, birth and parenthood is in so many ways beyond the realms of control, despite the apps and books you can buy. Getting pregnant can be filled with unexpected challenges or suprises. As for birth, the bottom line is that you can influence it, but you can’t control it (even a planned C-section can have its surprises).- PAGE 48 - SMART HEALTHY WOMEN MAGAZINEI n fact, too much control can get in the way of things, when really what’s needed is a letting go, acceptance and trust in the process.This is a good lesson for life. For me, pregnancy can be a window of opportunity to learn how to listen to your body and tune into your intuition. To learn how to relax on demand whilst loosening your grip and letting go of needing things to be a certain way. What a gift in this fast paced busy life we lead. This is about shaking off pressure to be perfect and softening into the experience. To feel how you feel, without judgement.This is a space where love and connection grows along with life and it’s best to come to it with an open heart and mind. This can be a time to try new things and be creative. It is also a time to slow down and practice kindness. To carve out the space for self-care and guided meditation, so that your body and mind feel good, ready for birth and beyond.Next >