Page 9 - SHW Magazine Issue 37
P. 9

elationships aren’tjust a two way street, sometimes
they can look more like one of those knotty highway
interchanges in LA.

The way you interact with your partner is obviously pretty important to the health of the
relationship, but the way you interact with yourself is just as crucial and the two are in fact
often interconnected.

Often in relationships. the patterns that play out between ourselves and our partners point to
something going on in our relationship with ourself. As an example, often when one partner
is very critical or spends a lot of energy nagging their partner, they are also holding
themselves up to impossibly high standards and being critical and derisive when they fail to
meet them. This could be around any number of things including body image, work,
parenting. finances etc.

In relationships we are only able to control our own behaviour, and the best thing we can do
is relleet on the way we are behaving and make changes if it isn‘t in line with who we really
want to be. So with that in mind. here are five tips for how to bring your best self to your

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