Page 39 - SHW Magazine Issue 37
P. 39


Whether you think of yourself as

Cl‘CLll.l\'C U!‘ HUI. as VHHT|CI°l WC i\I‘C l.llC

master creators — we are speeifieally ‘

designed to bring new life into the

world and hrealhe life into the hirth \ ’

of new things. Being ereati\e does ‘

not mean you ha\ e to he an artist. i ‘

Creativity is pure life force energ_\. l 2
E\'erything in life stems from

creation. whether creating a meal, a

garden. a spreadsheet or a work or l

art. Cl‘CLtli\il} engages right brain

(intuitive) thinking. and is a form of ' .

expression of the soul.

lfyou<,lon'th‘.1\'e a ereative outlet.

find one fast! Haxing a creative outlet ‘

is imperative for getting out of you - 7 ~ fix » ‘ :./‘4.~V—,  . ‘ ._

wliat, if left inside. ean manifest as itt~g;v  ‘ ' .
destructive hehaviours. Without ‘ i 

being able to express ourselves

ereatively we shut off this extremely

important part of ourselves which is '

“Owed [0 huluncc the rmioml/lngicul Create just for ereation’s sake. not to show anyone.
right Side. Many mnncn W ho mm-I just pour )our soul into whatex er it is you enjoy
cXp].C\5 the C].wm.C Wm M doing. Sehedule 10 minutes per day or I hour a
lhclmchcs may ‘Cc this Lln‘:/K})l4cs|\L\d xx CCl\ and notice how good you start to feel.
energy channeled into negative areas

wch L“ d[4il]kil]g.§h()p1)i[]g 01. If you ean‘1 think of V\. hat youll like to do, think
mcidlmmt, CXCCNVCIVM hack to V\. hat you enjoyed as a child, or take

something up _vou’\e always wanted to.

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