SSmart Healthy Women Magazine was created for smart women everywhere who want the latest strategies for living a life of health, wellbeing and happiness.© 2013-2017 Smart Healthy Women Magazine. All rights reserved.CONTENTS09THE ART OFCELEBRATIONby Gaelle Lecourt When you achieve one of your goals,do you take the time to stop andcelebrate it?15CELEBRATE THE NOWby Danny Bader Why are so many people focused on thefuture or waiting for some big moment tooccur, rather than enjoying what theycurrently have?06FROM THE EDITOR'S DESKWelcome to Smart Healthy WomenMagazine - in this issue we show youhow to celebrate basically everythingin life. 07OUR CONTRIBUTORSOur experts have gathered to bring yousome amazing celebrations in thismonth's issue. TIme to get yournotebook out!21CELEBRATE IT ALLby Erin Martin Celebrating isn’t just for birthdays and weddings, its for any time that something good comes your way. 28EATING FOR TWOby Dr Ryan Harvey How to safely enjoy the seasonal celebrations, with so many food tempatations on offer, when you're pregnant.44RELATIONSHIPCELEBRATIONby Melissa Ferrari Once the silly season starts, it can beeasy to forget about making yourpartner a priority amid all the chaos.36GOAL SETTING FORGODDESSESby Maggie Georgopolous How to celebrate the end of year withpeace of mind - and before your starton those New Year resolutions!49CELEBRATE ANDFLOURISHby Gillian Stevens How to apply a process to your lifethat allows you to flourish and avoidburnout.55CELEBRATE YOURHEALTH by Kim Speed Some simple steps that are like amagical elixir to get back on track withyour health.CONNECTShareSubscribeGet in TouchFollow Usby Estelle Williams Each of the Sun Signs approach celebrations in different ways. What's your celebration style? 6112 SIGNS OF CELEBRATIONSUBSCRIBE TOOUR PODCAST HHello from Smart Healthy Women Magazine!It’s that time of the year again - yes, it’s time to celebrate the year that was, our achievements and our lessons.We all need to celebrate our good fortune in life, and we can always find someone who is less fortunate than us. This is not to feel superior, oh no, but to remind ourselves that at any time we can lose our footing and need to find our bal-ance once more.We need to celebrate the fact that we are here in these bodies at this time on this earth, and what that means to us.We need to celebrate ourselves, and our loved ones, and even our enemies, for they show us where we need to demon-strate even more love.What are you celebrating this month - is it your health, your comfort, your friends, your family, your fortunate life? In love and light, and celebration too, Estelle Williams Editor-in-ChiefGaelle LecourtDanny BaderErin MartinDr Ryan HarveyMaggie GeorgopolousContributorsFounder at, Gaelle is a Freedom & Business Coach who enjoys her life between the USA, Mexico and France. She works with high-performing women unfulfilled in their careers, who want to start (or have just started) an online coaching or consulting business. She helps them create a business that’s the sum of their passions and that allows them to travel and turn their bucket list into reality. She coaches individuals and groups and hosts VIP Deep-Care retreats in Playa del Carmen (Mexico) and Bordeaux (France). She shares business strategies in her Facebook Group called Finding Yourself AbroadMelissa FerarriKim SpeedGillian StevensContributorsEstelle WilliamsCaroline ArnoldFind us on your favourite App Store:Next >