< PreviousIf you are feeling worried about money, try and switch that to feeling grateful for each dollar that you do have. Feel gratitude for what you have already in your life that you love. You may have actions that you need to take to move you forward but do it with the ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ as the author Jack Canfield would say. Easier said than done at times I know, but try your hardest to be in that gratitude state, especially when the going gets tough. Sometimes our biggest challenges can truly be a gift that teaches us what is really important in life and how we often take these things for granted. Feel the feelings of gratitude, and as like attracts like, you attract to you more things to be grateful for! It is a Universal Law and it is there for you to embrace if you choose to. Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance ―Creating a vision board is a great way to remind yourself of what you are grateful for. What are you working towards in your daily life and why do you want to get there? With a vision board you can use it to remind yourself of the qualities you want to have in your life – what do you want to feel, and what can you do to help yourself get there. Daily glimpses will help you stay connected to what you are truly grate-ful for and be motivated to take an action every day to move you closer to that goal. The goal could be a promotion at work, or taking up a new hobby or skill such as climbing. A VISION OF GRATITUDE by Caroline ArnoldMaybe it’s to have a better work / life bal-ance, and to structure your work so that you can have more time off to spend with your family. Whatever it is you are aiming for, here is my step-by-step guide for how to create your vision board and steer yourself towards your goals. 1Write down everything you are grateful for in your life now. It could be tiny things like that chocolate cake at lunch, to big life choices you have made that you are thankful for. Also remind yourself, or write down, your goals for the next 6 months, one year or three years depending on how long you want the vision board to reflect. Making the link between the goals and what you are grateful for is important. 2You may want to do two vision boards - one for 6 months and one for 3 years so that you break down the big goal on where you want to be in 3 years into a more manageable goal to achieve in 6 months. 3Create a space that you feel comfortable and inspired in and that you won’t be disturbed. This may be your office or lounge at home before the kids return from school. 4Collect your supplies to make the vision board such as magazines, pa-per, scissors, glue and white board. 5Spend an hour or two with a heap of magazines, cutting out pictures and words that visualise what you are grateful for and how they connect to your goals. 6You may want to focus on different areas of your life such as health, finances, career, family, love, hol-iday, work life balance or home 7You could invite friends around to work on your vision boards to-gether, and vocalise all of your gratitude’s as you are sticking them on. You can inspire each other and help each other to think of things they may not have noticed. With your goals too, friends can sup-port you to take steps towards them, and check in with each other from time to time to see how they are going.8Another option is to look for a workshop that gives you the space to create a vision board. If you have been procrastinating on set-ting yourself a goal this may be a great way to commit to setting your goals and creating the vision board. 9Have fun creating your vision board and thinking about how life and your career will be different if you achieve all of these goals. 10Place it on your wardrobe or fridge door and add it to your phone and laptop screen saver so it’s in constant view.Every time you walk past or catch sight of your vision board, use it as a prompt to check in and acknowledge what you are grateful for. Add to it as new gratitudes come up, and you can also review it after a few months and see if your gratitudes or goals have changed. Celebrate often the goals you achieve and take the time to acknowledge how far you have come.Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather largeamount of Gratitude ―HEALTHY GRATITUDEby Caroline BroomfieldDespite any challenges one may be facing, whether it’s a medical condition, job stress, or weight-loss challenges, taking time to rec-ognise what you’re grateful for (whether it’s in a journal or simply consciously noting it) can help you maintain a positive outlook and boost your energy levels.Paying it ForwardPaying it forward is when you do something kind or generous or helpful for someone without being asked or expecting something in return.Start a Meditation PracticeFind a moment to get still, gently close your eyes, take deeper breaths, and turn inward. Dim the exterior world so the light inside you can shine bright-er! Meditation can mean whatever you want it to mean, don’t get hung up on complicated practices. Start simple and stay consistent!Keep a Gratitude JournalWrite 3 things you’re grateful for every day. It doesn’t need to be fancy or in-depth, keep it simple. By creating a daily reminder, we begin to rec-ognise and appreciate what really matters. If you forget to write it down, no big deal, write it down tomorrow. This is not a homework assignment, but rather a daily reminder to be thankful for life.Get Involved in a Local Non-ProfitFind an organisation in your community that inspires you. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn more about the local communi-ty, and provides a great feeling of giving back.Be Grateful for YOUR HEALTHAt the end of the day, this is the most important thing we have. Too often we take ourselves for granted – making poor food choices, not exercis-ing consistently, getting caught up in social media, etc. on a daily basis. Instead, why not give yourself the gift of health and be thankful for each breath you take!Next >